Do You Know The True Story Behind The Origins of The Pepsi Logo?

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Pepsi once owned the World’s Largest Submarine Fleet. Read on for other fascinating facts about the brand.

soft drink brand pepsi

From classic commercials to its infamous rivalry with Coke, Pepsi has been one of the most famed pop-culture icons in the entire world. Coke or Pepsi is a question that has plagued all fans of aerated beverages. But, did you know these interesting facts about your favorite soft drink brand Pepsi?

1. Pepsi was Originally Called ‘Brad’s Drink’

Pepsi was originally called ‘Brad’s Drink’

Pepsi was originally manufactured by a chemist Caleb Bradham in 1893, as a remedy to indigestion. Hence, it was called ‘Brad’s Drink’. It was only in 1898 that the brand was re-christened as ‘Pepsi-Cola’.

2. Pepsi was the First Brand to Use ‘Sky-writing’

Pepsi was the first brand to use ‘sky-writing’ as an advertisement tool

In 1932, pilot Andy Stinis was hired by the corporate giant to put up hoardings across America and run ad campaigns in newspapers to let its consumers know that Pepsi-Cola’s star Pilot was arriving. Over the years Pepsi employed many skywriters to advertise their brand over USA, Mexico, Canada, Cuba and South America.

3. Pepsi Adopted its Logo to Symbolize America

Pepsi adopted the red, white and blue colours as its logo

The widely recognized colour palette was a symbol of the American soldiers risking their lives abroad in the devastating world war II.

4. It was the First American Soda to Enter Russia

It was the first American aerated drink to enter the Soviet consumer market during the cold war

During the intense phase of the cold war between USA and USSR, Pepsi was the only American brand which was allowed access to the Soviet market, beating out its rival Coca-Cola.

5. Pepsi Owned the Largest Submarine Fleet

In the 1990s, Pepsi owned a large submarine fleet

During the later phase of the cold war, the soviets made a historic trade deal with Pepsi. The terms of the deal worth 3 billion dollars included the Soviets giving Pepsi the Stolichnaya Vodka and a ship fleet consisting of 10 commercial ships, 17 submarines, a cruiser, a frigate and a destroyer. As a result of this deal, Pepsi was able expand its business venture in previously untapped domain in USSR, while simultaneously gaining the exclusive rights to sell Stolichnaya Vodka.

6. “Take the Pepsi Challenge”

“Take the Pepsi challenge”-Pepsi’s claim to fame was a blind taste test

The brand started its marketing ploy by pushing “Take the Pepsi challenge” in 1975. This was a blind taste test in which Pepsi claimed that more people preferred Pepsi over Coca Cola.

7. Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay Merged in 1965

The PepsiCo brand emerged out of a merger between Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay in 1965

The modern brand of Pepsi as we know it, was forged as a merger between Pepsi-Cola and the crisps giant Frito-Lay in 1965. PepsiCo is currently one of the largest and most widely recognied brands which includes Doritos, Lays and Cheetohs, Mountain Dew, Tropicana, Giant Quaker Oats and Gatorade.

8. PepsiCo Introducted the 2-liter Bottle

The 2 liter bottle was first introduced by PepsiCo

PepsiCo first introduced the 2 liter “pet-bottle” in 1970. It was invented by Nathaniel Wyeth of DuPont Chemical Company who received the patent in 1973.

So, how many of these tidbits did you know about Pepsi?

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