10 Most Haunted Colleges and Universities in the World

Are you the crazy horror movie fans with fascination for everything spooky and spine chilling or are you kinda normal (some may say boring) like me? If you belong to the former category, this article is definitely for you. While everyone has different criteria for choosing a college or a university ranging from a strong academic system to world-class instructors, lovers of thrill and mystery would state otherwise. For them, the degree of spookiness that a college can offer can be a real turn on for choosing their future alma mater.

Well let’s be honest here, who here wouldn’t want a friendly ghost like Nearly Headless Nick or an annoying yet cute Moaning Myrtle roaming the corridors of their university right? And looking at the brighter side, it’s kinda Halloween for you everyday with tons of stories to tell your grandkids someday..Plus no offense to the teacher’s pets, but what could really be scarier than the boring and mundane college life with tons of exams lined up in future? Tell me, tell me...

If you are thinking I am only cooking up stories and such universities only reside inside the children’s fiction, well, trust me, there are loads of universities waiting out there that have terrifying stories, historic hauntings and paranormal activities as part of the legendary tales that are told by their residents year after year. And if just reading about them wasn’t scary enough…wait for it….the staff and students swear to have experienced certain unearthly activities like eerie sounds and ghost sightings (Wohh..Goosebumps already!).

So if I have all your attention and interest, then here is a list of 10 most haunted colleges and universities in the world you might want to check out. Don’t be petrified, go on...

1. Oxford University, Oxford, England

Oxford University, Oxford, England

The first one on our list is one of the oldest universities in the world, Oxford. Thus, there is no question about the fact that it was bound to be the playground for ghosts and spirits. One of the most famous stories associated with it is that of a headless ghost that roams the college ground. What’s even more thrilling is that the students think that the headless ghost is that of King Charles I. Spooky, ain’t it??!!

2. Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany

The next University on the list has Adolf Hitler to blame for all the paranormal activities going around the campus (that’s another feather in the cap for Hitler). Established in 1386, allegedly the university’s clinic was the place where women were forced to get sterilized and to this date haunted screams of women can still be heard at that very spot.

Students and faculties also claim that they can still smell the burning leather and smoke where the Nazi Books were burned in 1933.

3. St. Andrews University, Fife, Scotland

St. Andrews University, Fife, Scotland

Founded in 1413, this university is home to lots of poltergeist and restless souls. Rumor has it that the old golf course is residence to the gentle spirit of a golfer named Tom Morris. Other stories include that of a veiled nun who haunts St. Leonards and sightings of a woman has also been reported waving a handkerchief from St. Rules Tower.

4. Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan

Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan

The Hospital at Nagasaki University came into existence in 1875, but the spooky stories started way after that. Locals blame the atomic bombings of 1945 for smell of burning flesh and bloodcurdling screams that can still be heard in the campus grounds.

5. Gettysburg College, Pennsylvania, U.S.A

Gettysburg College, Pennsylvania, U.S.A

Situated in the state of Pennsylvania, this college has a 186 years old history of war violence. According to locals, the college used to be a hospital for the soldiers wounded in the civil war. One of the most popular stories associated with the site is that of a soldier who could be seen roaming the college hall at night.

Another interesting story was recalled by the college staff of an elevator, which automatically takes them to the basement floor where the passengers of the elevator would feel like they are in a time wrap and what was playing before their eyes was the actual scene from the hospital with all the wounded soldiers and hospital staff. Scared yet??

6. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

The ghost stories at University of Toronto began with a good old-fashioned love triangle (like that is a surprise…two men trying to kill each other for a woman, sounds just like every other episode of crime patrol). Legend has it that the body of one of the men was buried in the school grounds and to this date the ghost of the dead man haunts almost all the buildings of the university.

Students and staff have also reported the weird banging sounds coming from empty rooms, things moving and apparitions vanishing into thin air.

7. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Ma Liu Shui, Hong Kong

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Ma Liu Shui, Hong Kong

This Chinese University may not have a 100 years old heritage, but that doesn’t stop it from being a creepy place as hell. This university has some pretty young ghosts as reportedly a 12 year old boy (who died by drowning), a little girl with braids and a boy who might have electrocuted himself over a girl can be seen on the campus.

8. University of Alabama, Alabama, U.S.A

University of Alabama, Alabama, U.S.A

I must say that University of Alabama is the most popular university in the haunted universities club. Another ancient university, the institute comprises Gorgas House which was residence to Josiah Gorgas, the university president, where sometimes creepy footsteps and clanging of a sword against the wall can also be heard from the building.

And well, he doesn’t live alone in the building and his wife Amelia wanders the fourth floor (these guys be like near, far, wherever you are, death will not do us part). Creepy much….Also the school theatre is the place where the ghost of Miss Marion Galloway lurks who comes out to give a little show if someone asks her “ How’s my blocking Miss Galloway?”

9. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England

The University of Cambridge is best known for its academic parlance. However, there is another attribute that makes it very popular and that are the haunted stories associated with it. The most famous ghost is that Doctor James Wood who we can say is a friendly ghost as a matter of fact.

He was a very poor student in his college days and was so poor that even a constant light source was a luxury to him. He used to sit on the staircase and study in the light coming out of the rooms of other students. His ghost is said to appear at the staircase at night and surprise students going back to their rooms.

10. Ohio University, Ohio, U.S.A

Ohio University, Ohio, U.S.A

Although Ohio University is now 214 years old, before it became a university, it used to be the site where the Athens Lunatic Asylum was located. On top of that the asylum had an underground Native American cemetery which was found right in the center of a Pentagram Burial Grounds. However, the most ghostly room was room 428 of Wilson Hall where a student was reportedly possessed and later on jumped to her death from the building. (Is it just me or are you too doubting you will be able to sleep peacefully tonight?)

So if you too want to experience an extraordinary college life which is uncanny, frightening yet so exciting that it can blow your minds off, then enrolling into one of these institutes is a decision that certainly awaits you..#Stay Spooked