Read 8 Key Differences Between an Early Bird and a Night Owl and Find Which One Are You

Are you a lark or a Night Owl? Do you get your best work done in the day or at night? There has always been a war about who’s better, the Early Bird or the Night Owl. Early risers claim to have a proper routine whereas the Night Owls claim to have the most happening life. Some are dead to the world post 11 at night and some are those having their day started post 11 in the day. 

Being an owl or a lark is just a matter of preference. Or is it? Scientists even say that it can be embedded in our genes. So if your mommy or daddy were early risers, chances are you will be too. If we just focus on productivity, then we may find out that a night person can even be more of a genius than the average morning person. Isn’t it a surprise for you, late nighter? 

So, let’s figure out who you are, a Night Owl or an Early Bird. 

1. During Morning


Morning persons chirp away their mornings humming in an oh-so-delightful mood like a lark. Whereas Night persons hit the snooze button a number of times before they get up in the morning.

2. During Work


Morning persons are less likely to experience “fatigue, frustration, and difficulties”. Night Owls, on the other hand, are more likely to indulge in “impulsiveness, and novelty-seeking”.  

3. Way of doing work

Way of doing work

Usually, Night persons work in a more smarter and efficient way. And morning persons just stick to their “Be-on-time” schedules.

4. Creativity


No, there is no typing error here! You have read it right. Reportedly, Night Owls and morning birds have their bursts of creativity during their “off hours”.

5. Favorite Meal


Morning persons wake up early and this makes them love their breakfast more whereas a Night Owl tends to skip breakfast and this makes them love their dinner more. For Night Owls, dinner and day-time meals are the best and they make sure they are full of it.

6. On the way to work

On the way to work

Due to late-night schedules, Night Owls are mostly sleeping on their way to work whereas an Early Bird is totally active once they wake up. 

7. Study time


An Early Bird generally studies in the morning whereas a Night Owl’s brain is more active during the night, that’s why they prefer studying at night. 

8. Age Group


Mostly, older people are likely to wake up early whereas younger people tend to enjoy late-night bedtimes. Not surprisingly, elder people tend to have earlier peak expressions in the body cells causing them to go to bed early and wake up early.

People saying “4 Baj Gaye Lekin Party Abhi Baki hai!” are definitely the Night Owls and the ones who are always in a hurry are our Early Birds. So, which one are you?