9 Scientific Reasons that Prove Watching Horror Movies is Beneficial

Isn't it true that we all are excited before watching a horror movie but suddenly regret after watching it? We all share a love-hate relationship with horror movies. And if you’re a horror movie fanatic, you would easily agree that it’s the best kind of thrill EVER! Our hearts race, our muscles tighten, we jump, we scream, we get that chill upon the spine. We love that thrill and goosebumps, but at the same time, we are afraid of the after-effects too. Our parents always tried to keep us away from them, but the ‘daredevil’ in us never stopped, right?

Apart from inviting ghosts in your dreams and compelling you to imagine all those demons lurking in the dark, horror movies can actually be good for your health. This sounds crazy? Well, as crazy and odd as it sounds there are several health benefits associated with it. Afterall a lot of research has been done on this. 

No more wondering about whether you should continue watching horror movies or not, we have got a bunch of reasons to watch scary flicks even more. So, let's get a sneak-peek of them.

1. Burns Calories


Isn't it surprising that you can even burn calories just by sitting down for a 90-minute horror movie and without doing any physical activity? Yes! you read correctly. You can burn up to 200 calories while watching a scary film. Still unsure? Then go and try it out.

2. Elevate Mood Instantly


We have seen frightened people after watching a horror movie, but their anxiety and frustration also get reduced after that. They feel much happier. The arousal of negative stimuli improves mood significantly, says a sociologist.

3. Boosts Immune System


Horror movie helps in enhancing the fight-or-flight response of the body. Whenever you watch a  horror movie, your blood circulation and white blood cells are increased which leads to a boost in immunity for a short duration of time.

4. Relieves from Stress


Stuck in your stressful life? No worries! You have got horror movies to help you out. You can throw it right out of your system just by watching super creepy movies. 

5. Enhances Brain Activity


When you watch a horror movie, neurotransmitters are released which enhance your brain activity and make you even more attentive and alert for a while.

6. Fear the Fear 


Do horror movies always make us feel frightened all the time? Nah! They can even make you learn how to face the fear or how to “fear the fear”. After watching a horror movie you are even more confident ‘coz by then, you’ve pretty much strengthened all your defenses against danger.  After all, nothing in your life could then seem as scary as those ghosts in the movie, don't you think?

7. Strengthens Relationship


Horror movies are definitely a good chance for you to strengthen your bond with your family, friends and near and dear ones. After all, it's just not a horror movie experience without another hand to squeeze. 

8. Enhances Your Survival Instinct


The best thing about horror movies is they teach you perseverance. You must have seen in the movie that if someone is willing to survive, they're going to make that happen no matter how dangerous it seems or how badly they’re hurt. Therefore, the reactions that horror films trigger, do more than just thrill you. 

9. Helps in Solving Real-Life Problems


Apart from frightening us, horror movies even teach us various ways to deal with our real-life problems. Our problem-solving skills get improved and we might be better equipped at coming up with a solution.

So, snuggle under the covers, dim the lights and watch the spookiest of movies with your friends or family to enjoy these mind-blowing health benefits.