This "World Ozone Day", Pledge to Protect the Ozone Layer by Doing These Simple Things

What comes to your mind first when you hear anything about the Ozone Layer? CFC gases and the formula O3, right? All of us remember those school days when we used to study how these harmful gases have been reacting with the ozone layer in the atmosphere and making a hole in it. Refrigerators suddenly became our enemies at that time. Still, it seems as if that passion has very much faded away now.

It’s time now that you again realize the importance of the ozone layer in our atmosphere, how it has been helping us, and what all we need to do in return. The world is celebrating the “International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer” on September 16, hoping for the precious layer to recover and sustain itself. Fortunately, the layer has already shown signs of growth and is recovering at a rate of 1-3% in the past decades.

However, a lot more still needs to be done to give a boost to the ozone layer growth. There are plenty of things you can do to protect the O3 molecules.

1. Limit Your Cooling Devices

cooling device

Cooling devices like air conditioners and refrigerators are responsible for the highest amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Ease down your use of such devices and contribute to the betterment of the planet.

2. Use Public Transport

public transport

Our vehicles release huge fumes of gases in the air. Try carpooling the next time you go to your office instead of travelling individually in your car. In fact, opt for public transport if available.

3. Regularly Inspect


Even if you are not able to manage the usage of your cooling devices and cars, don’t forget to inspect them. Time-to-time maintenance of ACs and refrigerators can help in reducing the leakages.

4. Use Environment-Friendly Products


We use many products in daily routine not knowing that they have been depleting the ozone layer, like fresheners and sprays. Replacing them with environment-friendly products can significantly bring down the levels.

5. Use Alternatives


For many products we find irreplaceable, there are a lot of alternatives in the market. Using products not made up of plastic and devices which release less amount of gases is a dire need right now.

6. Shop Local

shop local

Buying products locally will not only help small businesses prosper but will also reduce the emissions caused during the transport of such products over long distances.

7. Sustainable Farming

sustainable farming

The cattle releases a lot of methane gas into the atmosphere, which is a serious threat to the ozone layer. Sustainable farming requires managing cattle properly and keeping a check on their emissions.

8. Desist from Using Pesticides


Pesticides help get rid of pests and weeds, but they also ‘help’ us get rid of ozone. The only solution to this problem is manual clearing.

9. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


The 3 R’s which you will definitely find everywhere being discussed. It’s time we realize the meaning of these words and start adopting them.

The ozone layer has shown signs of growth in the recent past but the trends can take a setback anytime. So, it’s important that we take care of it and don’t cause large emissions.