Amazon is Burning for the Past 3 Weeks. Save the Rainforest through these Simple Steps.

Rainforests of Amazon have been burning quietly for the past 3 weeks and none of us knew that till a few days back. The biggest media agencies missed covering the plight of the largest rainforests in the world. Now that we know about it, it’s time for us to do whatever we can to bring this misery to an end. Believe us, you CAN contribute towards ending this tragedy even from your room.

The Brazilian rainforests have already witnessed 72,843 cases of fire so far, an increase of 84% from the previous year. The deforestation in the Amazonia has also increased by 88%, as Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) reports. The severity of the situation can be understood from the fact that the smoke is visible from space.

Recently the smoke made a big ominous black cloud over São Paulo, a city more than 2,700km away. While the administration considers the farmers clearing land for cattle ranching responsible for this, there are various other deforestation activities, supported by the government, playing a role.

These rainforests supply 20% of the world’s oxygen and are known as the “Lungs of Planet Earth”. A threat to them is a severe threat to our climate. So, let’s find out how all of us together can contribute to saving these forests which also provide habitat to 10% of the world’s biodiversity.

1. Donate


Helping those already working on the field is the best thing you can do, especially when you are not able to land there with a fire hose and other stuff. There are plenty of charities who have already pledged to save Amazonia. These include “Rainforest Action Network”, “World Wide Fund for Nature”, “Amazon Conservation Association” and “Rainforest Trust” among many others.

2. Research


Before you plan to take any action, it’s better you research about the situation and understand the ground reality properly. Moreover, when you study in detail, you can possibly develop your own solutions.

3. Spread Awareness


Why limit all the information to just yourself? This entire havoc has been created majorly because the majority of the people in the world were never informed about it. Tell those who have no idea about this crisis to get involved, let them know why the rainforests matter and develop collective solutions.

4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

reduce reuse recycle

The 3 R’s are the most effective solution in all the climate crisis situations. Most of the paper and wood consumed in the world are supplied from the Amazon rainforests. Cutting down of trees in the Amazon will contribute 8% of the total greenhouse gas emissions.

5. Volunteer


You can make a bigger impact if you join an organization working for the cause. Volunteer to fight for the rainforests, spread awareness among people and help them get donations. Also, make sure the donations are properly utilized for the cause.

6. Own the Rainforest

own rainforest

“Rainforest Trust” is an organization buying land in the rainforests to protect them. The charity has already bought 23 million acres of land and is continuing to buy more. Donate to them and make a contribution to save the planet.

7. Make Your Voice Heard

raising voice

Raise your voice and ask the authorities to bring legislations to protect the environment. You can send emails or write letters to your elected leaders and ask them to raise this issue themselves.

The State of Amazonas has already declared a “Climate Emergency” to tackle this issue. With the hashtag #PrayforAmazonia being spread on the internet, everyone is doing their best to protect this natural treasure. So don’t sit back idle and fight for your rainforests.