7 Tips on How to Deliver a Convincing Speech

Imagine yourself in a situation where you are on stage to deliver a speech and you didn’t practice a single word, stage fright much? Trust us, its not just you. If you also freeze as soon as the focus light shifts on you with hundreds of eyeballs gazing, then my friend, you need to overcome your fear. 

We bet you must have heard people telling you “make stage your friend”, well, if that was that easy. Duh! When you feel a sudden decrease in confidence and the only way out is to RUN!, Don’t. None of us are born perfect and as hard as public speaking seems, it isn’t that hard nut to crack. All you need is to gather your self-confidence and be optimistic enough to Kill the Stage. (Not Literally). 

As the cliche saying goes, “Practices makes you Perfect”, let’s abide by it, maybe? Practice, overcome your fear and boost your self-confidence. Wondering How? We got you covered mate. Here are some easy peasy ways that would help you become an effective speaker.

1. Be Calm and Organized

keep calm and stay organized

The very first step is to set a priority order or the series of verbal statements that are to be presented by being calm. This will clear the thought process that one is about to deliver.

2. Plan, Prepare and Perform

plan prepare perform

Plan. Prepare. Perform. The speakers should follow this 3P rule, where the direction of speech is to be planned, with well versed and adequate amount of knowledge to target the audience. If you are following this rule you will manage to get more attention.

3. Self Analysis

self analysis

The best way to find the mistakes is to check your own mistakes. Become your own teacher and retrospect the elements that you portrayed.

4. Intonation and Word Modulation

voice intonation

Intonations play a major role in public speaking where the speaker focusses on some particular words by stressing the words and creating an impact in lieu with those words.

5. Record and Recite

record and recite

If you record own statement and recite it, you will get the idea about the mistakes and the line by line formulations.

6. Control Your Breath


You should have a proper check on how you breathe as breathing and speaking are co-related. To control your breathing, you could do basic exercises.

7. Visual Description

visually describe

Yes, you can actually do this thing by just giving some visuals to your speech, this might make you remember the series that you want to connect to and visuals will be more interactive. “Your Walk is Your Talk”, this statement involves the outlook of the person, the walking style, the act of hand gestures, and the idea to interact with the public rather than just providing them with the information.

Now that you know these points, you should be well prepared to rock the stage with your speech and leave your audience gasping. 

These are some of the basic traits that can reduce glossophobia and will be responsible for giving back the lost confidence. 

By adopting these sets of traits, you can actually become an effective speaker and will definitely create an impact on the target audience.