More than 3 lakh aspiring students register for DU admissions every year and only a bunch of them get admitted. While these cut-off lists become the most celebrated damsels in the town, cracking them is a really Herculean task. Well, who can score that mark of 102% in any possible way? Yes, we are serious.
Past years have helped us anticipate them, but still, there is always something shocking in store for us. DU cut-off lists become more of a meme material every year rather than being what they actually are, merit-lists meant for admission. These lists remind us that marks are indeed everything you need for admissions.
DU cut-off lists are so offbeat that at times even national toppers are not able to crack them. This process, which lasts for weeks, reminds you of all your unsuccessful relations in the past. However, if anyhow you managed to clear them, we bow to thee. If you are also applying for DU admissions this year, we are sure you will relate to these 10 things.
DU has been releasing wicked merit-lists for a while now. These merit-lists which start with 100% for most of the courses, make us realize how useless we are. DU peeps should know that it’s not needed, our neighbour aunties have already humiliated us much.
Don’t be shocked. That’s totally normal according to the DU authorities. DU keeps additional criteria for students who haven’t studied the subject of their choice in XII. Maybe the university teaches us in the next session how to score that.
Don’t drop your jaw. This really happened. In 2014, All India CBSE Topper Sarthak Agarwal was kept by St. Stephen’s in the waiting list. What?? Who are you admitting then man?
Most shocking is that there are students who have been clearing these Unrealistic Cut-offs. God knows where these students come from when even the national toppers are rejected.
All those extra smart folks in your class who told you that marks don’t matter much are in hiding now. Well, try looking for them in the South Campus.
Apart from its glamour, DU made you dream of participating in those rebellious protests. When you are not able to crack these cut-offs, who will crack the skull of those tyrants now chap?
After all this tussle, DU admissions remind you of that girl who is playing hard to get. With such an ostentatious display, you are always going to be rejected, howsoever hard you try.
You know how devoted you were for that Honours course. Now you know how badly you don’t care for any subject. Damn! Just give me admission.
When even 99% of marks cannot guarantee your admission, what else can you expect with your ‘mere’ 92% marks?
Looking at all these lists compel you to do just 1 thing, B.Tech. The saviour of all, engineering seems to be the only option you can crack following your miserable performance in this arena.
DU merit-lists come only once in a year, but everyone awaits them. From the kids to the parents, from aspirants to trollers, everyone participates in this annual festival. On a serious note, if you are applying for the admissions this year, we wish you the best of luck.