14 Types of Men You Will Definitely Find on Indian Tinder

Sapna Malik updated's profile photo

Sapna Malik updated

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True love is just a swipe (or 50) away!

True love is just a swipe (or 50) away!

If you’ve lived in India for a while, you’d know that there is no dearth of guys here. The male-female ratio is kinda skewed. And Tinder in India is no different,so if you’re looking to find love on this revolutionary online dating app, you are sure to bump into a few particular male specimens on your quest. Here’s a list for you Tinder-lovin’ ladies

If you’re already on Tinder you know the accuracy of this list, while those who are looking forward to join Tinder can consider it to be a fair warning. Tread with caution, but have your fun!

1. Mr. Sapiosexual and Mr. Bibliophile

Mr. Sapiosexual and Mr. Bibliophile

Even if the range of their knowledge of literature begins and ends with Chetan Bhagat.

2. The Selfie-Addict

The Selfie-Addict

There’s something terribly attractive about a guy intent on clicking himself in any posture, no? Said NO ONE EVER!

3. The Over-the-top Cheesy Flirt

The Over-the-top Cheesy Flirt

Just. No.

4. Mr. Globe-trotter/Traveller/Wanderer/Jet-setter

Mr. Globe-trotter/Traveller/Wanderer/Jet-setter

I’d be a millionaire if I had a nickel for every time I read ‘wander-lust’ on a Tinder profile!

5. The Gym Freak

The Gym Freak

Complete with tons of shirtless photos with other gym freaks.

6. The One WITHOUT a Profile Picture

The One WITHOUT a Profile Picture

Likely to prevent his secret identity from being revealed.

7. The Budding (*psst Wannabe) Poet

The Budding (*psst Wannabe) Poet

It’s likely that he’ll be ‘oh-so-sad’ because no one gets him, and chances are, you won’t either.

8. Mr. I Don’t use Tinder so Add Me on Whatsapp

Mr. I Don’t use Tinder so Add Me on Whatsapp

Erm, why the heck did you install Tinder if you don’t use it?

9. The One Who Stalks You on Facebook

The One Who Stalks You on Facebook

A little bit of incognito healthy stalking on FB is everyone’s business but this is the guy who goes overboard. From liking your profile picture of 5 years ago to commenting on every status update, all of which point towards a giant red flag.

10. The Dude Who ONLY Wants to Hook up with You

The Dude who ONLY wants to Hook up with You

Yes, we get it, Tinder is for hook-ups. But, how about you DON’T start the conversation with, Hey babe, send nudes!

11. The Dude with Whom You ONLY Want to Hook Up

The Dude with whom You ONLY Want to Hook up

This one’s a hottie whom you’d like to totally get naughty with.

12. The Guy from Another City or Country

The Guy From Another City or Countr

To be honest, Loki is totally workable.

13. The Guy You Already Know

The Guy You Already Know

It could be your cousin’s boyfriend, your friend’s brother, your future manager or your old school friend. The possibilities are endless, and equally scary.

14. Finally, ‘The One’, IF You’re Lucky

Finally, ‘The One’, IF You’re Lucky

You might as well try your luck on this dating app, because with Tinder, finding Mr. Right is literally within the palm of your hands

Tinder, finding Mr. Right is literally within the palm of your hands