11 Effective Ways to Conquer Your Guilt for Contributing to Plastic Pollution

Aren’t we just blatantly tired of reading every other article on how to not use plastic? We already know that now! Duh!!

Okay, Folks! Do we really know that? And, even if we do, how much do we abide by it? Guilty much? Well, better late than never! The world is now facing some serious environmental problems and all you could do is sit and scroll through just another article on plastic pollution. The world is moving forward towards modernization and yet we can’t give up on our habit of lingering around plastic-made products.

Also, if we really need to get in some big-shot personality to make you believe in it, let’s do it. Bill Gates and Richard Branson are some of the names among the elite class who have already started fighting against this immediate threat, and you are just 5 minutes away from joining them. Stop being a sloth, get up! Gear up now and change the world for the better!

The plastic threat is imminent and we have all discussed the problems to a large extent. Time’s up for that. Let’s discuss the solutions now.

Seal, whales, dolphins, seagulls, penguins, crabs, all your marine friends are going to die soon. You know why? Because of you dude. The plastic products you use eventually end up in oceans and become an inevitable threat to their lives. Not just that. These microfibers of plastic are also reaching your taps. So, your water is not potable anymore.

threat to plastic pollution

So you just saw Simon there with his mom and dad. Looks like the sweetest family ever, no? Alas, they are no more together. When Simon died one month back, his entire skeleton was surrounded with small plastic balls. Plastic bottles and bags make 80% of the marine waste. Stop now.

1.Ease down your straw-game

ease down your straw game

You must have heard this many times, but cutting down on straws surely leaves a big impact. I mean, you don’t need to use a plastic straw every single time. You can proceed without them too. Still, if you don’t want to kiss that squeaky clean glass, ask for paper straws. They are in the market now. Give up plastic straws.

don't use plastic straw



Instead of throwing away your bottles, you can put them to better use. Russel Maier has found an innovative method to build small blocks of plastic bottles which can be further used in place of bricks and also as comfortable seats, just the way you want them to be. You fill the bottles with plastic and all other kinds of waste products to give the bottles a density and you will be a hero for it, take my word.

3.Don’t lose that bottle

don't lose that bottle

You go into a meeting, discuss global warming, take a sip out of your bottles and leave them there. Not fair. That bottle wants to be with you unless you drain it. So don’t lose that bottle next time. And what after that? Ecobricks!

4.“Ok. So now I will buy every single bag in this world so that no one else can cause plastic pollution.” Rubbish. Don’t even think of that.

Don't think

What matters more than taking steps is ensuring that the steps are taken in the right direction. Your morale might have been boosted somewhat by now, so be sure that you think logically. Don’t be absurd in your attempts.

5.Stop ordering food unnecessarily. Hang out with your friends and chill.

different ways to hang out with frients
Instead of staying inside your houses and ordering food, go out and explore different restaurants. I know your pillow is too comfortable, but dear you need to cut down on the use of disposable materials.

6.Add a bag on the top of your shopping list.

carry your own shopping bag

Whenever you make a shopping list before going out, just add “Carry Bag” on the top of that. This way you will remember to carry a carry bag of your own every time you go out shopping and not invest in those useless plastic bags.

7.Do your own bit.

beach cleanup

Blaming others won’t rescue you. Whether the government brings Achhe Din or not, you can do that right now. Participate in campaigns like “Beach Clean Up” and organize some of your own campaigns too.

8.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

reduce reuse recycle

The basic essence of conservation of resources. These 3 popular R’s can take you a long way.

9. Be a hero. Spread awareness

captain planet

Keeping the ideas to just yourself doesn’t really works. Let the thoughts flow out. Let others know how they can contribute. Organize campaigns, raise petitions, spread awareness, or just talk. But don’t you dare sit ideal. Go and talk to people. If adults don’t listen to you, go to the kids. They are the future and let me tell you, they will definitely listen to you and understand you.

10. Theme parties

theme parties

Organizing theme parties is a good step. Have your fun too, and also let others know about this big deal. Moreover, organizing such a rare theme party will make you popular among your peer.

11. Draw Inspiration


Inspiration always provokes something inside us. There are people who light the fire inside us and push us towards doing the job. Richard Branson has made it his goal to work towards controlling marine pollution. Bill Gates too has been effectively working on controlling pollution. Want to know some handy tricks to reduce plastic waste in your house? Google “Zero Waste Girl”.

We use plastic mainly because we find it handy and durable. But this short-term comfort is leading us all towards a catastrophe in the long-term. Be an Avenger on your own today and save the world from this misery.