The first Avengers: Endgame trailer was released this Friday and as we know, it is already cashing in for a global success with over 289 million views in just 24 hours! Tony Stark’s lonely spaceship, a clean-shaven Captain America, Hawkeye in his brand new outfit and of course, Antman showing up in Avengers HQ driveway preps up for all the magic that is to turn up in the Marvel’s Avenger 4.
With our favorite superheroes coming back on screen to do what they do best i.e save the damn world and kick some unworthy asses, let us viewers do, what we do best, i.e speculating and coming up with our own theories on how its all going to come along.
Here we present you some of the best Avenger: Endgame theories that are so good, that they just might be right! (Imagine, how cool would that be?)
Avengers: Endgame trailer reveals very few of the superheroes but it sure does make a big deal of the return of both Ant-man and Hawkeye.
As we all know, Hawkeye does not join the fight during Infinity war to protect his family. But that’s not the case with Avengers: Endgame which gives way to our first speculation- Hawkeye’s family was turned into dust by Thanos.
The trailer shows Hawkeye in a new black outfit, all pissed off, roaming the streets of Japan and looking a total badass.
You ask why? Easy- he is out to avenge his family.
Remember how in the final moments in the post-credits scene in Ant-Man and the Wasp, Scott Lang was trapped in the Quantum Realm while seemingly everyone else was killed by Thanos?
Well, fret not cause Ant-Man is back and that too, with a bang!
The trailer shows Ant-Man hilariously trying to talk his way inside the Avengers HQ.
Post watching this, fans speculate that Ant-mans ability to survive the Quantum Realm just might be the key to reversing everything wrong that has ever happened that is, go back in time, defeat Thanos and save the mighty universe.
Mere minutes after the trailer release, die-hard Marvel fans noticed that something seemed different about Captain America. In the latest trailer, not only has he cleaned up well, but is also seen wearing his old outfit from the Winter Soldier Days. Now, what does this mean?
Well, it has been speculated that Captain America travels back in time!
How, you ask? Doctor Strange casts some kind of loop spell on the time stone, giving Avengers a chance to travel back to certain time periods in the Avengers history to collect all infinity stones and stop Thanos.
Also, the trailer consists scenes of Steve glancing at an old picture of Peggy. So hopefully, after the final fight, this ability also grants him a chance to travel back in time and live out the life he planned, had he not been robbed of their final dance.
Even though this theory fits perfectly in the picture, we can’t say this for sure!
So, another theory- he probably just got a damn haircut!
Back in October, Chris Evans took the world by a storm through his infamous tweet, “Officially wrapped on Avengers 4. It was an emotional day, to say the least. Playing this role over the last 8 years has been an honor. To everyone in front of the camera, behind the camera, and in the audience, thank you for the memories! Eternally grateful.”
The same lead to major speculation that Captain America exiting Avengers, even though he later perished the fire by tweeting “Regardless of how Avengers 4 ends, I would have tweeted the exact same thing. That last day of filming was a very emotional day, and it was the culmination of almost 10 years of filming and 22 movies...
Thanos villainy is by far the worst thing to have happened to the gang. But, many fan theories might be able to prove this wrong. In the trailer, Thanos is seen strolling through a field akin to the visions in gladiator. Furthermore, he is seen heavily battle-scarred which leads us to think that he perhaps has lost his powers which he would have otherwise used to heal himself.
But, wait! Does that mean new foes? A greater threat?
Well, let's wait for the movie to find out!
In the meantime, let us know which fan theory, you think is most likely to come true.