TCD India Undergraduate Scholarship: Eligibility, Application, Selection process

TCD India Undergraduate Scholarship

Trinity College Dublin is offering TCD India Undergraduate scholarships to incoming Indian students. Providing a financial aid of EUR 5000, the Trinity College Dublin is providing students a chance to study in Ireland.

  • TCD India Undergraduate Scholarship program is applicable to the majority of undergraduate courses.
    • Exceptions: Acting, Medicine, and Dental Science.
  • Eligible students must be planning to study in Ireland for the first time.
  • Scholarship program is valid for first-year students only.
  • TCD India Undergraduate Scholarship reward amount must be used for the tuition fee payment.

Applications for the TCD India Undergraduate Scholarships are open for students who have confirmation of admission to the university. Applicants are advised to complete their Ireland student visa process along with the applications for the scholarship.


Scholarship TypeCollege-Specific, Merit-Based
Offered byInstitution
OrganizationTrinity College Dublin
Application Deadline May 01 ,2023
Number of ScholarshipsN/A
Amount₹458,452 ($5,352)
RenewabilityOne Time Payment
International Student EligibleYes
Scholarship Website Link

Eligibility Criteria

The primary criteria for a student to be eligible for the TCD India Undergraduate Scholarship are that the student should be of Indian origin.

In addition to this, applicants must full the requirements listed below:

  • Completion of the high school in India
    • International Baccalaureate score of 36.
    • A level score of AAB or similar.
    • India Grade XII score of 90% overall.
  • Paying tuition fees at the non-EU rate.
  • Enrolled in an undergraduate course at Trinity College Dublin.
    • With exception to Medicine, Dental Science, and Acting
    • Those pursuing business programs from Trinity Business School can apply.

Application Process

Applicants must complete their Trinity College Dublin admission applications prior to the scholarship application.

Once you have received a confirmation of admission to the chosen undergraduate program, you have to send an email to

  • With the subject line: India Scholarship [your name], [your applicant number].
  • Attach your updated Resume and a word statement (300 words) on “How I will contribute to our Trinity College Dublin community."

Selection Process

Selections of the TCD India Undergraduate Scholarship recipients will be based on the academic merit of each applicant.

However, an applicant’s CV and submitted statement will also play a crucial role.

Eligible applicants must note that the offer of TCD India Undergraduate Scholarship will remain open for two weeks. Within this time, you must pay the course acceptance deposit. Also, if you fail to accept the offer within this period, the scholarship will be awarded to another deserving applicant.