What Students Say
- At very first, you get a chance to be an IITian without JEE. This makes you understand the level of IIT
- Secondly, there is total flexibility given to students. You can watch recorded lectures at your own convenience whenever you want.
- Talking about placements. IIT have their own placement cell for placement assistance. And very renowned companies are part of it.
- Although they have tried there best to make it engaging and interactive but I feel there could be more done to keep students much more involved.
- Some would see it as a pros but I feel this could be a con. There is no minimum attendance required. It's your wish you attend or you don't the classes.
Course Curriculum Overview
Previously I joined Sage university, Bhopal. The curriculum was extremely weak in terms of real world applications. When I came across this degree and gave a look towards curriculum it was astonishing. There was everything from scrath to becoming a professional in Data science. It is totally designed by industry standards and I believe it makes super job ready in real world. For me right now it's a perfect college and I am enjoying the degree so nothing on improvement on course curriculum or teaching methods. Exam happens every month in this degree. It's a single day exam but the level of exam is very rigorous. It demands your time and efforts.
Internships Opportunities
There are multiple internship offered throughout four years with an avergae stipend of 60- 90 k per month. As of now I haven't been part of any internship so I don't the requirements but there are plethora of opportunities available.
Placement Experience
From 3rd year onwards students can be part of placement assistance. Moreover, throughout four years you receive offers for internships. As it is a new degree so no official data is avaliable on name of companies and no. of offers. However, though sources it is shared that avergae package range around 15- 20 lakhs per annum. I plan to do my masters in data science from some American University.
Fees and Financial Aid
The total fees for the course is around- 350000 Rupees. The yearly fees depends on the course as for the first year which is foundational Level you need to pay - 32000. For second year which includes two diploma it requires- 125000 And the 3rd and 4th year each requires about a - 1 lakh Rupees. There are scholarship benefits depending on the category. As if you are from any backward cast you can avail 50% to 75% scholarship. Moreover in my case I submit my EWS certificate and I belonged to a range on annual income less than 5 lakh so I got 50% fee waiver. Apart from this you can receive scholarships if you have a good cgpa for which you do not need to apply. They just see your performance and grant some amount of scholarship. As I received 16000 rupees.
Campus Life
As it is an online degree so not much events can happen. But an early festival named paradox happen on-campus. Also students are divided into seprate clubs and mulitple meet-ups and online events and competitions take place.
There is no as such eligibility for the course you just need to be 18+ and must have completed your grade 12th. Eveyrhing from application form/fees/dates are available on their website. There 3 intakes every year so you could apply three times in a year. There are many reservation benefits but it depends on your category. I belong to general caste but got 50% fee waiver through ews. You could according to your reservation. I believe the admission process should get a little tough so that someone doesn't stay in a delusional world in considering this degree as an easy degree.
As I said, IIT provides their own college professor for this degree. They are teaching all the courses so they are highly qualified in their respective fields. There is no issue of student to teacher ratio as it's an online degree. At any point of time you can interact with the faculty and get your doubts cleared as they are available on discourse as well as online sessions.