How would you describe your experience at LD College of Engineering?

1 Answer

Pushpa Upadhyay Posted On - May 31, 2021
B.E. in Computer Engineer from Lalbhai Dalpatbhai College of Engineering (2018)

My colleague did his B.Tech from LD College of Engineering. Based on the interaction I had with him, it was an altogether delightful experience. He shared some insights with me which might be helpful.


  • Attendance is not mandatory.
  • All the faculty members are very well qualified, knowledgeable, and student-friendly.
  • Seminars and workshops are organized very often for the development of the students.
  • Hostel rules are strict for girls to ensure their safety. However, for the boys’ hostel, there is no curfew time, you can come and leave anytime you want.
  • The college organizes many events like Sports week, Techfest, Lakshya, Khshitij, Kaizen, etc.
  • There are only 2 exams conducted for each subject every semester: mid sem and final exam. In this way, students can enjoy their college life too.
  • The reading hall is spacious and full of lights and with Ethernet connectivity.
  • There is no mandatory dress code; you can wear whatever you want.
  • The college has a placement rate of 60%. Highest CTC offered is 12 LPA.


  • The college infrastructure is very old, and cannot compete with the modern days' classroom and amenities.
  • The classrooms are also very old. During monsoon season, the classroom ceiling leaks sometimes.
  • The campus has no WiFi connectivity.
  • Even though the mess is available, the students almost never get quality food.

LD College of Engineering is the best government college in Gujarat and is as good as Nirma University. You will enjoy your time there.



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