Is placement in computer science (B.Tech) in NIT Trichy on par with IITs?

2 Answers

Anumita Biswas Posted On - Aug 20, 2022
B.Tech Mechanical from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India

NIT Trichy placements for CSE are comparable to the placements of many IITs. Companies such as Microsoft, Google, Samsung, Goldman Sachs, DE Shaw, Morgan Stanley, etc. are the major recruiters that take part in the placement drive. The average CTC for the branch is around INR 17 LPA - 24 LPA. As per the recent placement highlights, the highest CTC goes up to INR 1 Crore per annum. 



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Arindam Chakraborty Posted On - May 3, 2021
NIT Trichy

The placement statistics in CSE Department at NIT Trichy are not only as par the placement statistics of top IITs but also among the best in the entire country.

  • Unlike IITs, at NIT Trichy most of the top companies don’t come to the campus placement on the same day, so, there’s no overlapping. 
  • Except for Facebook and Google, other top-level companies have come down to this institute for the hiring of candidates. 
  • Companies like DE Shaw, Amazon, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, Flipkart, LinkedIn, Samsung, Goldman Sachs, etc have visited. All of them offer a minimum CTC of 15 LPA.

Besides, there is less competition among the students as the topers mostly go for higher degrees. A good number of students from NIT Trichy get PPO, while the others are left with insignificant competition. Thereby, the placement process on NIT Trichy is quite easier than the IITs. It is why a decent number of students from the CSE Department at NIT Trichy successfully get the top-paying jobs.

The companies generally consider NITs in the lower strata than the IITs. It means the same job profile could obtain the students a comparatively higher CTC, considering their NIT counterparts.



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