What is the admission procedure of IGNOU courses? 

2 Answers

Adrija Banerjee Posted On - Apr 7, 2022
M.A Political Science from Indira Gandhi National Open University (2018)

Here are the details regarding IGNOU admission procedure. 

  • You can apply through the online mode. It is easier and time-saving. Register yourself on the admission page of the official website of IGNOU and fill in the application form. Fill out the required details carefully and upload the documents needed. Go through your application form once, and check for any errors. Once you are done reviewing, pay the admission fees through the online payment method. 
  • You can apply offline as well. Download IGNOU prospectus from the official website and submit your application form to IGNOU regional office, before the closing date. 

Note that offline application mode is limited for a few courses and only some of the regional centers are accepting offline applications. 



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Prateek Thapa Posted On - Jan 12, 2021
M.A Political Science from Indira Gandhi National Open University (2018)

For IGNOU admission, check the following points:

  • You will need to fill out the details for registration with documents such as recent passport photos within the required sizes and resolutions, 10th and 12th class certificates like any other applications.
  • Following this, you will have to pay the fee online(varies accordingly to the course you're applying for), after that you’ll be directed to printing your admit/allocation card which can be generated.
  • You will need to get the printed card attested by the top of the regional center you've got selected in. Without this, you’ll not be permitted to submit assignments or attend semester exams.
  • Make a note to print the appliance forms, and admission and fee receipts, and make a copy online also.

Once the procedure is done, you will receive IGNOU study material within a period of 1 to 2 months. To get an idea of how the system of IGNOU works, you can attend the Induction ceremony which can offer you a general idea of how the exams and curriculum work, this ceremony can also assist you to exchange contacts for staying informed and updated.

The induction ceremony date is mailed to the registered post address you've given during the application.



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