How is life like for a civil services aspirant in JNU, Delhi?

1 Answer

Deepika Sinha Posted On - Aug 5, 2023
studied at Jawaharlal Nehru University

The life of a civil service aspirant at JNU is worthwhile and interesting. It is a little bit tougher to stay focused and determined on campus. But many students with strong determination and motivation reached their goal. The life of a civil service aspirant is detailed below

  • They work very hard with a consistent study routine. They are stiff-minded and most of them wake up early in the morning and start their preparation
  • Books are their best companion, and rooms are filled with splendid books. They are quick-witted
  • They mugged up each and every topic that came under the background of humanities, arts, and science.  JNU has a vast library with a rich book collection starting at the 9th-grade level, and you can also make use of the bookshop available nearby the campus. This institution also has the advantage of a huge collection of online academic resources
  • The renewal of our registration every semester never lets us stay away from our goal. There are distractions on campus due to varied reasons, like politics. But a civil service aspirant should never fall for entertainment
  • JNU is gifted with experienced scholars, and they give full support to the students, especially civil service aspirants. You can contact any of the faculty to clear your doubts without any hesitation

Last but not least, Don’t mess up with your health during your studies; make sure you have 7 hours of sleep every day and do proper exercises, which will help you boost your energy and stay active



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