How is life at DTU?

1 Answer

Sabeer Chalana
Sabeer Chalana Posted On - Jul 3, 2023

Life at DTU is magical and surreal. It’s a rare experience and once you leave the college it will dawn on you how precious your time spent here was. The students live a carefree life here and pursue their passion alongside academics. DTU has given birth to many artists, musicians, singers, orators, dancers, writers, programmers, and athletes. Those who claim DTU students are bookworms have it wrong, as all kinds of talents are cultivated here.

To break the periodical monotony of campus life, frequent fests are held that are enough to increase the spirit tenfold. Engifest is one of the most awaited events in Delhi. The night events are vibrant and the students have the best days of their life during this fest. Another great event is the Literary Fest wherein you will be meeting well-reputed people in poetry, writing, and whatnot.

DTU even organized the Tomatina Fest in the form of a Color Run. You can explore the campus and find many eateries serving delicious food. The main canteen serves the tastiest samosas you have ever eaten while the Mic-mac canteen serves non-veg and Paranthas.

As for the academic life, it’s not very rigorous like other colleges. You can survive by doing self-study during exams. You will also enjoy the happening nightlife here.



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