Do IIT Guwahati CSE students get similar opportunities for foreign university/company internships compared to IIT Bombay?

1 Answer

Advait Joshi Posted On - May 3, 2023
Lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

My friend was a CS student at IIT Guwahati and he failed to secure a summer internship. According to him, only 3 students from the entire batch of CS second-year students got foreign internship offers. When he asked his friends at IIT Bombay about the same, he came to know that 6 students had got foreign internship offers. 

There are a number of reasons why older IITs offer more opportunities than II Guwahati. Let’s explore some of these reasons 

  • Unlike IIT Guwahati, older IITs have collaborations with top foreign universities. For example, IIT Kanpur’s SURGE program has tie-ups with Caltech and provides funds for undergraduate internships.
  • Professors are ready to accept students for internships but the lack of funds makes it impossible to secure a paid foreign internship. 
  • Another major problem is the lack of focus on research at IIT Guwahati. Students at IIT Bombay have completed great research projects whereas IIT Guwahati students have no research accomplishments up their sleeve. Their CV is extremely lacking and does not fetch good packages.

All in all, the department doesn't encourage foreign internships and older IITs offer way better opportunities compared to IIT Guwahati.



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