How is life at SCMHRD Pune?

1 Answer

Vinisha Vasudevan
Vinisha Vasudevan Posted On - May 2, 2023

Life at SCMHRD is amazing with a balance of academic rigor and fun activities.

Clubs and Committes: You can join as many groups as you want, depending on what you're interested in. Your seniors will then choose who gets to be on which committees. Some examples of groups are S-reflect (photography), CRT (Placement Committee), Sports Committee, Praytna (NGO), NEEV (Cultural Committee), Admissions & PR, Shapath, and many more.

Sports: You'll have a lot of chances to play sports over the course of two years. There are many competitions between and within universities for every event.

Committee Events: Shapath drives, Prayatna rock show, Finance conference, e-cell event, and NEEV Cultural fest.

Job opportunities: Your summer internship will happen between August and September. Many internships lead to job offers at the end of the work. So, try your hardest.

Academics: Quizzes, a million tasks, group projects, and sometimes 10 hours of lectures every day, seven days a week.

You will have a great time over the next two years. Just enjoy life to the fullest. When you leave here, you will have grown as a person to the fullest.



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