What is a better choice, take a job at Infosys as a fresher or pursue an MBA at IIM Nagpur?

1 Answer

Nupoor Sinha Posted On - Jan 17, 2023
PGP from Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur (Graduated 2022)

I cannot answer your question directly but I can direct you to answer it yourself. Choosing something related to your career requires constant analysis of your own interests. 

Now let’s look at the 2 options you have. Taking a job at Infosys as a fresher or pursuing an MBA from IIM Nagpur. One choice may be right for someone and wrong for the other person. So it’s up to you to decide.

You should join Infosys only if you are interested in solving technical problems. You will be trained at the training facility at Mysore and made to inculcate impeccable technical skills. You will be dealing with the technological aspects of the company. like working on features of a product, and solving/reporting bugs for a product. Your future job prospects include becoming a Technical Analyst, Tech lead, or other tech-savvy roles. You need to have a serious interest in this area if you choose this option.

You should pursue an MBA from Nagpur or any other IIM only if you are interested in solving business problems. Here you will be taught by world-class faculty for 2 years who will teach you the various dimensions of business management. You will have to participate in case studies, quizzes, classroom participation, presentations, group assignments, club activities, etc. During the second year, you can focus on one or two of your favorite domains. MBA will open doors for big placement offers.

So what matters, in the end, is what you want to do in life and what you are passionate about.



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