How do I write a good answer in the exam of a Master of Arts English MEG at IGNOU and other universities?

1 Answer

Anu Mehta Posted On - Nov 3, 2022
MA in English Literature & English Literature, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Here are two of the major points that are helpful in writing a good answer in the exam for an MA in English:

  • The answer must start with an excellent introduction to the writer and the text. Then, there should be good content, sticking to the point. The answer must end with an eminent conclusion. 

  • The answer must not be written in a storytelling way. Students are supposed to answer what the question is asking them to explain, the theme, the character, and the point of view attached to the question.

Whatever answer students write, it must be revolving around giving proper reasons, perspectives, and possible central ideas that a question is trying to ask. The answer must not be diverting and stretching, without providing any appropriate conclusion.



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