How are the placements at Vel Tech University for the CSE or MECH departments?

1 Answer

Riyansh Patnayak Posted On - Sep 13, 2021
Computer Science and Engineering at Vel Tech University (2020)

I have a few friends from Vel Tech University and here is their insight regarding the placements at the institute. 

  • Most companies that come for placements at the institute are from the IT sector. There are very few core companies for departments like Mechanical Engineering, EEE, Automobile Engineering, Aerospace Engineering. 
  • The core companies that visit the campus placement also have very few vacancies and they usually prefer students who are well experienced. Most of these companies prefer applicants who have done internships or have done projects of some kind. 
  • According to the recent placement highlights, around 89% of students get placement offers. The average package offered is around 17.25 LPA. While the highest package offered is 28 LPA. 

The placement cell in the institute plays a pivotal role in inviting top-tier companies to the campus. Also, career guidance programs are held almost twice every week. There are highly professional teachers who conduct online exams to help students understand the various corners of the market demands. Overall, you will have decent placement opportunities at the institute. 



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