What would be better if I am interested in both, EE at NIT Hamirpur or CSE at IIIT Vadodara?

1 Answer

Ankush Kapoor Posted On - Jul 17, 2021
B.Tech in ECE from National Institute of Technology Durgapur (2015)

Before selecting among institutes, you should decide which branch to opt for. As per the question asked, you must have an interest in both EE and CSE at the two specified institutes.

The points followed will give certain guidelines, based on which you can come to a conclusion.

  • CSE has a much better placement opportunity in the private sector all over India. But for electrical engineers, there is a good scope in the government sector.
  • Considering the reputation of institutes, NIT Hamirpur is a much better institute than IIIT Vadodara.
  • In NIT Hamirpur, the alumni base is obviously much stronger than that of IIIT Vadodara.
  • The campus life too is much better in NIT H. The only disadvantage is its location with no direct access to the city. On the other hand, Vadodara is a well-established city with proper communication to other cities. But, Hamirpur is not as bad a location as Mandi, and so is somewhat accessible.
  • NIT Hamirpur has one of the most beautiful campuses in India. So, the four years of engineering are very spent inside the campus of NIT H. No one regrets being on the campus by any means.

Considering the above points, it can be deduced that EE at NIT Hamirpur is a better option, having a better college reputation and good campus life.



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