How is the test and interview in Symbiosis School of Economics? How can I crack it?

1 Answer

Megha Bisht Posted On - Jun 16, 2021
M.Phil in Economics from Delhi School of Economics, 2020

All the applicants except the ones who wish to pursue law in Symbiosis School of Economics have to appear for the entrance exam. It is mandatory. The entrance exam tests your knowledge in maths, general knowledge, basic English, and also logical reasoning.

My friend used to be a student of this institute and in his opinion; the entrance exam does not require any solid preparation and is fairly easy. Fundamental knowledge gathered till class 12 will be enough for cracking the exam.

Once you crack the entrance exam, there is a group discussion. You will have to speak on a given topic like politics, sports, etc. The people in the panel judge your level of confidence and how much you know about the content.

In the personal interview round, you will be asked questions about yourself, your interests. Some questions related to maths are also asked in addition to the reasons for choosing your preferred course. Your conviction will take center stage and the panel will judge the same, as well as your confidence.

The score of your interview will be taken into consideration as well as the score of your entrance exam and written aptitude score for the final selection.



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