What is the environment inside the campus of UEM Kolkata?

1 Answer

Vaibhavi Rautela Posted On - Jun 14, 2021
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering, University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata (2020)

According to the experience of one of my friends at UEM Kolkata, the campus is one of the favorite places. When it comes to the environment inside the campus that is one of the main key factors to produce quality students.

  1. The classes are conducted regularly with utmost sincerity and if they are suspended due to some reasons extra classes are conducted on Saturdays to fulfill the loss. Since there is a biometric system for attendance, no student can bunk the classes.
  2. CCTV cameras are installed in every classroom that monitors the students for the entire day due to which the campus is a completely ragging-free area.
  3. There is an anti-ragging cell and if anyone is caught ragging others he/she gets rusticated immediately. There is a privilege of choosing your faculty as every student is given a faculty feedback form.
  4. 80% attendance is mandatory for all otherwise you will not be allowed to give examinations.
  5. It is a safe place for girls, and drinking or smoking is completely prohibited in the campus area.
  6. There is a culture of maintaining and following complete discipline on the campus. No one is allowed to enter the college premises after 9 AM sharp.

Lastly, we can say that UEM, Kolkata is a place that not only provides quality education but at the same time grooms the overall personality of a child that helps him/her in the future.



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