Is it possible to get a job at McKinsey, Bain, BCG or A.T.Kearney 1 year after graduating from IIM Ahmedabad?

2 Answers

Harsh Jha Posted On - Apr 8, 2022
studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Yes, it is possible to get a job at McKinsey, Bain, BCG, or A.T.Kearney. You can apply directly through their website or referrals. If you are applying for a job in these companies go through the hiring rules thoroughly. 

There is a waiting period of 24 months for two attempts at the recruitment process in McKinsey. The hiring procedure is similar to campus recruitment. You will have to go through case-type interviews. Based on the availability of the role, McKinsey conducts recruitment once or twice a year. 



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Shreya Gupta Posted On - Feb 18, 2021
Studied at Indian School of Business (2018)

Yes, it is possible to get a job at McKinsey & Company after graduating from IIM Ahmedabad. However, there are certain points that you must keep in mind, such as there is a waiting period of a minimum of 24 months between two attempts of the recruitment process at McKinsey. Also, this waiting period is applicable to the campus recruitment process which has similar case-type interviews.

Two approaches through which you can easily apply for a position at McKinsey & Company are:

  • Directly via the company’s website
  • Referrals (Through your classmates/contacts)

However, through both of these approaches, any CV is not accepted before the person has developed two years of work experience. Also, the company conducts interviews 1 or 2 times a year for lateral hires (based on the role availability). In case your CV is shortlisted through any of these approaches then you will be given a call for an interview.

Few other important things that one must keep in mind are:

  • The opinions of your batch mates already working with the company can only pursue the partners interviewing you in case they are unsure about any particular factor.
  • For those who were previously shortlisted for campus interviews, the people who had interviewed you will also be asked to present their opinion.
  • Those who have been turned down in the interviews before having a rare chance of qualifying and if even one does come through the start will be on a level couple of years junior to your batch mates.

It is advisable to gain feedback on the reason due to which you could not crack the interview earlier. You should also analyze if you have successfully overcome that gap in two years in between the next interview. These will be the factors based on which you will be grilled the most in your second interview.



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