How is the chemistry department of IIT Tirupati?

1 Answer

Admin Posted On - Jun 15, 2024

The undergraduate chemistry laboratory was established in January 2016. It is well ventilated and has new and modern state-of-the-art equipment. A total of 10 experiments that address societal issues are performed at the chemistry laboratory. These experiments were designed to make practical sessions interesting for the undergraduate engineering students. The following are some of these experiments:

  1. Water quality: Hardness of samples drawn from the neighbourhood
  2. Pharmacy: Aspirin (making a medicine)
  3. Natural product: Tea leaves (extraction of caffeine from different brands of tea available in the market)
  4. Food world: Citrus fruits (acidity of different fruits)
  5. Material world: Brass (copper content)

The Department has a well-equipped undergraduate wet laboratory and different research labs. Theoretical chemists of the Department had designed and set up the High-performance Computing (HPC) Clusters at Department of Chemistry. Many high-end experimental research instruments Like UV-VIS NIR spectrometer, FTIR, fluorescence spectrophotometer and mass spectrometer has been purchased and/or installed already. Also, Instruments like 400 MHz NMR, LCMS, CD spectrometer will be available soon.



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