How is the life of a resident doctor pursuing neurosurgery at NIMHANS after an MBBS? Can we get a sneak peek into work hours, leisure activities, and culture at the institute?

1 Answer

Sapna Malik updated
Sapna Malik updated Posted On - Oct 3, 2023

Here is the routine of a Neurosurgery resident at NIMHANS.

The department is subdivided into 6 units, each of which is headed by an internationally acclaimed faculty member. The day of a resident starts at around 6 AM with a routine assessment of patients in all the wards under one’s respective unit for the month. 

This is followed by academics which start at 8 AM. It runs for 1-1 ½ hours. During this time, the cases posted for surgery are presented by senior residents. These are then discussed among faculty members and residents to reach a decision for the optimal treatment of that case.

After this, the senior residents head to the OT complex, and junior residents present rounds to the faculty. Decisions on further treatment/discharge are made during the rounds.

Junior residents then perform ward procedures like External Ventricular Drain Insertion, Lumbar drains, Lumbar Punctures, Shunt Taps, Fontanelle Tap, Tracheostomies, etc. under supervision. This is followed by evening rounds by the faculty/ senior residents. After these, any leftover work is completed. The evening ends with a post-op call to the respective consultant, and the duty ends at 9 PM when the night duty resident takes over. 

The OPD for a particular unit is held on a fixed day. It is also a casualty call day for the unit. Life as a neurosurgery resident is so busy that even having meals is like a luxury. 

NIMHANS will train you to practice evidence-based medicine and keep updated with all the recent developments in your field. It is one of the best places in India to practice Neurosurgery residency. 



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