What should I choose between IIT rank 1300-1500 (predicted rank) , IIIT Hyderabad CSE and BITS Pilani (Score - 369)?

1 Answer

Namrata Das
Namrata Das Posted On - Aug 1, 2023

Your rank is pretty good and you are likely to get both, IIIT Hyderabad CSE and BITS Pilani. However, had I been in your place, I would have chosen IIIT Hyderabad. There are a number of reasons that support my choice.

  • IIIT Hyderabad is a CS-oriented institute so follows a well-structured and CS-tailored curriculum. The curriculum is flexible and concepts are delivered in a dynamic way through classes, tutorials, labs, and assignments.
  • IIIT Hyderabad conducts rigorous classroom sessions that ensure maximum student involvement. The concepts are not just delivered but taught thoroughly. Students have explained the logic behind everything.
  • The lab sessions are usually taught by TAs who guide you and explain the practical concepts thoroughly. They help you overcome the major and minor problems in coding.
  • Students are given very challenging problems in tutorials that help them improve drastically.
  • The assignments are set excellently by the professors who want to keep the students one step ahead of the classes and prepare them for the exams. The assignments are discussed during tutorials to ensure everyone completes them without any problem.

In all, IIIT Hyderabad gives you a sense of freedom to explore yourself and your surroundings better. 



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