What are some reviews of the CSE in IIT Bhubaneswar ?

1 Answer

Idrita Ghose Posted On - Aug 14, 2020
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (IITBBSR)

IIT Bhubaneswar works hard to help the students in achieving their success. Since its inception, it has collaborated with many foreign universities like University of Massachusetts, University of New York, etc.

In 2019, IIT Bhubaneswar witnessed a big jump in terms of placement. Around 89 companies visited the campus and an overall 90% placement rate was observed at the end of session. The CSE department got 100% placements in top companies like Amazon, HP, Adobe, Jio, Accenture,etc. The CSE department received attractive salary packages ranging from 10-35 LPA.

The statistics of placement of IIT Bhubaneswar for MTech in CSE are also good though not great. The number of students who got placed was 40 out of 69, an average of 60% got placement. The trend is good if one wants to pursue CSE from IIT Bhubaneswar, provided one has to be good at programming and academics. So if you choose CSE, you get good placements with balanced infrastructure and well-equipped lab facilities.



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