How is 5 years CSE dual degree in IIT Kharagpur in comparison to IIT Roorkee CSE?

1 Answer

Anindita Ghose Posted On - Mar 27, 2023
lives in New Delhi

My answer might contrast with the opinion of many. Most people go after IIT Roorkee dual degree and consider it a highly esteemed program. In my opinion, the dual degree itself is not a very good option although IIT Roorkee is an excellent institute.

People forget that recruiters do not consider 4-year or 5-year degree holders any differently and offer them similar profiles. In Fact, some recruiters even consider you inferior to BTech students. Moreover, unlike others getting PPOs a dual degree student is not allowed to even sit in the interviews during this time because you won’t be able to join for at least 2 more years.

Academically, both B.Tech and Dual degrees are similar and the 5th year usually comprises project work and wasting time. When it’s time for interviews you are made to sit with juniors and that lowers your confidence all the more. Moreover, if you are planning to attempt CAT or UPSC, this degree is useless. The only advantage probably is the additional one-year college life experience.



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