How good is IIM Shillong for HR?

1 Answer

Kshitij Arora Posted On - Jan 16, 2023
completed MBA in 2014

One of the major USPS of IIM Shillong is the diversity of electives it offers. Anyone who hasn’t decided on a domain can have a peek into the various angles of the business sector and then make a healthy decision.

The courses offered are flexible, comprising a blend of Marketing, HR, Operations, Finance, etc. This enables the students not to specialize in a single domain only. As far as HR is concerned, I have listed down some highlights of this particular domain at IIM Shillong.

  • IIM Shillong offers an impeccable variety of courses ranging from Organizational pathologies to HR tools.
  • The faculty includes some widely acclaimed personalities in the field. Some renowned members of the permanent faculty include Prof R.Dwivedi and Prof S.Kakoty. These professors just don’t impart HR knowledge rather they ingrain it in us.
  • The guest lectures are augmented by highly honored professors like Prof M Deshmukh. He gave an overview of the HR domain through activities like designing a dream job. He bought in specialists to teach some important fundamentals. 
  • The HR clubs at IIM Shillong like UsHR keep alive the student-driven factor. The club conducts quizzes and article writing competitions to facilitate self-learning among the students.
  • You can also opt for CIS. This is a thesis you write about a suggested topic. It enhances your previous knowledge and exposes you to various dimensions of HR.

At the end of the program, you will have developed a detailed knowledge of terms, concepts and insights.



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