How is the overall percentage calculated in IGNOU BSc in zoology?

1 Answer

Sophia Singh Posted On - Nov 2, 2022
B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal (2020)

IGNOU BSc has 2 types of subjects - Theory and Practical. It’s further divided into - Assignments and Term end theory exams.

In order to calculate total marks in a paper out of 100 - Assignment marks* 0.3 + Theory marks*0.7. The calculated sum will be your overall marks out of 100.

To know the actual marks that will be on your marks sheet follow this rule:

For theory-

  • If it is a 4 credits course divide the marks by 2.

  • If it is a six-credit course, divide it by 4/3.

  • If it is a 2 credit course divide it by 4

  • This is because 8,6,4,2 credit courses have total marks out of 100, 75, 50 & 25 respectively.

For practical-

It has two parts - Lab 1 and Lab 2

Total marks out of 100 = Lab 1 mark*0.7 + Lab 2 marks*0.3. To calculate total marks follow the same rule mentioned above. Total credits in BSc-96

Therefore total marks will be 96/8=12 hundred.=1200

Net percentage will be = Total marks out of 1200 /Twelve hundred multiplied by 100 .



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