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I had a one backlog in graduation (cleared); will I get rejected in the IIM Calcutta interview?

Madhur Modi Posted On : November 30th, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (Graduated 2017)

No, IIM Calcutta does not usually reject you just because of a backlog in graduation provided that you have cleared it.

Majority of the batch consists of students from top colleges like IIT,NIT,BIT, DTU, etc. It's very common for a large number of students if these colleges have at least one backlog.

I have seen many cases where people receive calls from IIM Calcutta despite having repeated most of their courses. 

So no, a single backlog will not be a hindrance for your call from IIM Calcutta. 

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Over its history, has IIM Calcutta's strategy of ignoring GPA in lieu of CAT scores been effective?

Ranjai Banerjee Posted On : November 29th, 2022
MBA in Marketing, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (Graduated 2020)

The answer is based on my cousin's experience who had an average GPA but a great CAT score. IIM Calcutta’s strategy of ignoring GPA in lieu of CAT scores has been essentially effective because:

  • IIMC focuses more on your ability and willingness to learn and apply. Your GPA is just a small factor.

  • People who achieve high CAT scores are not just lucky. It’s a result of analytical skills, hard work, determination, and an overall sense of excellence. All these skills are valuable to the institution.

  • The institute prefers investing in experiences rather than mere grades.

IIM Calcutta, therefore, welcomes mediocre talents and transforms them into their best self. The lack of pressure to achieve high grades makes the overall experience a bit more relaxing. Basically, results are more important than the intensity of efforts. People here develop soft skills like people management, leadership, and emotional intelligence.

We can safely say that the job prospects and academic performance have no connection with your past academic facilities. If anything IIM Calcutta offers you a second chance in life.

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Which is best option, the executive program in sales and marketing at IIM Calcutta or the postgraduate certification in business management at XLRI, Jamshedpur?

Shubham Bhoyar Posted On : November 29th, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur

Only the full-time PGP courses of IIM Calcutta or XLRI are valuable. All other degrees/certificates are the only means of earning money by the institutes. 

  • They have no real value in real life or the corporate world. 

  • They won’t be very useful if you want to learn.

  • They add no value to your CV

  • You will not be considered alumni of the institute

So these certificate courses/ part-time programs/ Executive programs carry no real value at all. Most people are misled to believe that they might add value to their CV. 

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Can I make it to IIM A B or C if my 10 score is 93, 12 is 82 and grade is 73 and from a tier 3 college?

Kumar Gaurav Posted On : December 21st, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (Graduated 2020)

Your question basically means what criteria are required to get into IIM A B or C. The table below has summarized the different parameters that decide your eligibility for admission into IIM ABC.


IIM Calcutta

IIM Ahmedabad

IIM Bangalore



Final Selection-0%


Final Selection-15%


Final Selection-25%

Worl Experience

8% (final selection)

5% (shortlisting)

8% (shortlisting)

10% (final selection)

Gender/Academic Diversity

4% (shortlisting)

4% (final selection)

2% (shortlisting)

Non-Engineers can get a call with low percentile also

Now considering your profile, you need the following CAT score to get into IIM A B C

IIM Ahmedabad: If you are a non-engineer you will get a call easily but if you are an engineer you will need work experience and at least 99.5+CAT score

IIM Bangalore: You will need work experience to compensate for poor academic record or at least 100 percentile to get a call

IIM Calcutta: you will need 98.8+ if you are a girl. For boys, it is around 99.6+.

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How good is XLRI Jamshedpur? How it fares against IIM ABC? Please answer, you view is valuable.

Soham Mukherjee Posted On : April 18th, 2023
XLRI, Jamshedpur (2019)

With its HR program allegedly being the best in Asia, XLRI might be ranked as one of the top 6 management schools in India. Other areas of expertise like marketing and finance are also strong.

One of XLRI's major advantages, in addition to having a large alumni base, is that all of the HR directors at the country's top corporations are XLRI graduates. As a result, XLRI receives a fantastic placement. As most employers view it on par with IIM A, B, and C, this also helps if you wish to change jobs. It will be regarded as one notch lower when compared to IIM A, B, and C. Top IB and PE firms that exclusively visit IIM A, B, and C do not go to XLRI. But XLRI is a fantastic alternative if you are not interested in IB or PE.

Many reputable companies (in the financial and consulting industries) exclusively visit IIM A or B; XLRI is not among them. But even with fewer options, XL can help you get into the best companies. The batch size is one factor. The XL BM batch size (until the 2021 batch) was just 180, as opposed to IIM A, B, and C, which had twice as many.

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Why is Prof. Anju Seth considered as the worst director in IIM Calcutta's history by faculty, students, and alumni?

Riya Ray Posted On : November 29th, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

The reputation of Prof. Anju Seth has been tainted recently with allegations of promoting cost-cutting of the institute. This has largely affected the quality of research conducted. Some major changes due to this cost cutting are:

  • Digital subscriptions have been taken off our library

  • No payments to the institute’s support/admin staff for work like minor tasks during convocation or dressing the students and helping them out during the event.

  • Many students suffered during the pandemic as they were not allowed to leave without paying

Although the students, alumni, and faculty all have voiced their concern to the management but in vain.

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Why are IIM A, B, and C valued over FMS, Delhi when the difference between the fees are so high?

Ishika Dey Posted On : December 31st, 2022
MBA from Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi (Graduated 2021)

People often pose the question that despite the high fees, why do some people still prefer IIMs over FMS? Well, I think I can answer it with confidence since my father is an alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad. He told me that he was able to transform into a new person all because of IIM Ahmedabad. He was able to achieve many impossible things just because he chose IIM Ahmedabad. I have mentioned a few points that will help you understand what I mean

  • After completing his MBA from IIM Ahmedabad he was able to pursue a technical MS and Ph.D. in Computer Science from North America. 
  • He is now well settled in the US. He thinks it would have been impossible to move out of India had he not chosen IIM Ahmedabad.
  • IIM Ahmedabad gave him the mindset and skills of finding opportunities in life and businesses and making the most out of them.
  • The case-based pedagogy helped him tackle all kinds of problems he encountered in his life, be it scientific, academic, or business.
  • It gave him the confidence to start his own business. Although it did not go quite well he still was proud to have the guts to try it.
  • He had the excellent opportunity to learn from the best peers who were handpicked from a group of 80,000 applicants.

So IIM Ahmedabad is still preferred over FMS. It has its own brand value which will continue to shine over the years.

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Which IIM is the best between IIM Calcutta and IIM Lucknow?

Nishika Goel Posted On : December 1st, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (Graduated 2018)

To begin with, when comparing two IIMs, the question is which is better, not which is the best.

The answer to this question is, of course, subjective.

  • IIM Calcutta is a more established institution than IIM Lucknow, and it consistently receives higher rankings. As a result, according to any layman or literate man, it will be better than IIM Lucknow.

  • IIM C is superior in terms of finance specialization and placements. IIM L is superior in terms of marketing specialization and placements.

  • IIM C is calm, whereas IIM L is frenetic.

  • IIM C fees are significantly higher than IIM L fees.

  • IIM C has a high percentage of engineers who go there, whereas IIM L has a wide range of academic disciplines.

  • IIM C Has more alums than IIM L. This is also a significant feature of how old the college is.

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What are the advantages of a relatively laid-back ("chill") culture at IIM Calcutta?

Shubham Tyagi Posted On : November 29th, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

The laid-back culture at IIM Calcutta does not mean it lacks academic rigor. Rather it’s a college experience and not survival. You meet profiles, not just people. You focus more on results than the intensity of efforts.

As far as academics are concerned, you will meet some of the best professors who will make your experience more appealing. They won’t treat you as children but rather as adults who know what's best for them.

Apart from academics, you inculcate so many skills like people management, leadership, and emotional intelligence. So you can literally pursue your career in any field once you get a taste of life at IIM. Calcutta.

Whether this chill culture will make you successful depends on your own attitude and perception of success. Experience of IIM Calcutta will definitely help you in one way or another in your life.

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After IIM Calcutta was started next IIM should have been started in Bombay which is Commercial capital of India but why it has been started in Ahmedabad?

Hina Rastogi Posted On : December 1st, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

The first two IIMs were supposed to be in Mumbai and Calcutta. While the land and approvals for Calcutta came relatively easily, the then-Mumbai state government refused to allot land for an IIM in Mumbai and acted rather casually.

Meanwhile, Vikram Sarabhai, the driving force behind the IIMs concept, was eager to get the IIMs up and running as soon as possible. He was well known for his extensive business and political connections, but his entire industrial and research infrastructure was in Ahmedabad (in the then-newly created state of Gujarat).

Vikram Sarabhai was so eager to get the IIM started in western India (one in the east and one in the west was the initial logic, which was followed by one in the south and one in the north as well) that he pulled all the strings for an IIM in Ahmedabad. For the first few years, IIMA was based in Vikram Sarabhai's personal bungalow in Ahmedabad's Shahi Baug area.

He was also the driving force behind the recruitment of other IIMA legends, including Louis Kahn for the architectural plan, Kastoorbhai Lalbhai of Arvind Mills for the donation of all land for the campus, and the mesmerizing Ravi J. Matthai, the institute's first full-time director.

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