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How is engineering physics at IIT Delhi?

Pawan Sinha Posted On : April 3rd, 2023
B.Tech Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (2020)

IIT Delhi's Engineering Physics program is highly respected and well-regarded in the field. According to information available online, the program focuses on IT Delhi's Engineering Physics program is highly respected and well-regarded in the field. According to information available online, the program focuses on providing students with a strong foundation in both physics and engineering, with an emphasis on hands-on, practical learning. The key highlight of the course is

  • Focus on Nanotechnology and Photonics, both emerging technologies 
  • Physics is taught, its purest form, as well as when applied form
  • Faculty researching biophysics, green optics, and material processing and fabrication theoretical physicists are working in fields like Quantum Computing. 
  • The research is conducted in various fields like optics, photonics, spintronics, and solid-state mechanics. 
  • Physics department has one of the most modern and well-equipped facilities in the institute: The Nanoscale Research Facility (NRF). 

The program is suitable only if 

  • You are interested in modern physics, optics, and electrodynamics
  • Are proficient in mathematics and can analyze problems

I will suggest you not opt for Engineering Physics in IIT Delhi if you want to study basic stuff like Newtonian Mechanics or electrical circuits or are intrigued by Astrophysics or Cosmology, as in that case IIT Kanpur or IISER Pune, is more suitable for you.

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How do I decide between IIT Delhi and IIT Madras for engineering physics?

Aditi Roy Posted On : March 31st, 2023
lives in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

The curriculum of Engineering Physics at both IIT Madras and IIT Delhi is equally instructional and well-structured. The demand for this discipline has witnessed a steady increase over the past few years. 

If I had to choose between IIT Delhi and IIT Madras, I would have opted for the latter. This is because

  • IIT Delhi lacks in terms of technological instruments and its infrastructure is not on par with IIT Madras yet. 
  • The hostel facilities are very substandard and the quality of food served in mess is pathetic in IIT Delhi
  • The sports facilities are highly lacking and the infrastructure is also average
  • There are illogical restrictions on the use of the Internet.

In my opinion, unless it’s a matter of locational preference, go for IIT Madras over IIT Delhi any day. You won’t be able to enjoy your college life to the fullest here.

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Should I choose IIT Delhi or IIT Madras for engineering physics?

Souvick Das Posted On : March 30th, 2023
Software Engineer at Microsoft

I can attest to the fact that Engineering Physics at IIT Delhi and IIT Madras is the perfect blend of Physics and Electrical Engineering one could ask for.

You can opt for both physics as well as electrical courses as your electives. Your final year project can be in any one of these departments and you are free to choose provided that there is a good balance between science, mathematics, and engineering.

Most students of Electrical Physics eventually go for Electrical as you design your course instead of getting stuck on a mandatory curriculum.

At IIT Delhi, there is more focus on Physics than Electrical and for those interested in the same, this course is bliss.

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What is your opinion on engineering physics at IIT Madras?

Shruti Tiwari Posted On : March 30th, 2023
Studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (2019)

Engineering Physics at IIT Madras is a multidisciplinary field that combines elements of both Physics and Mathematics. Those who have a passion for both Physics and Mathematics and are not sure about core Electrical can go for this course.

The branch comprises multiple courses some of which might even not sign with your interests. But this happens in almost every branch. Despite it all, you gain excellent exposure to a wide range of fields and thus eventually help you clear your doubts regarding the branch.

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Which is better: Engineering Physics at IIT Bombay or Electrical Engineering at IIT Roorkee?

Sumit Bose Posted On : March 18th, 2023
IIT Bombay (2019)

It would be suggested to pursue Engineering Physics at IIT Bombay rather than Electrical Engineering at IIT Roorkee. 

When it comes to studying physics at IITB, there are some key differences between JEE physics and college-level physics. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

  • In JEE physics, you study formula derivations after brief explanations of concepts and practice a lot of problems in that topic. College-level physics courses are typically more rigorous in theoretical and mathematical content, and problems are solved to help you understand the concepts more deeply.
  • While EE does not have any pure physics courses after the first year, it focuses on making you an electrical engineer. Core courses include analog and digital electronics, signals and systems, network theory, electronic devices, microprocessors, power electronics, and some relevant math courses.
  • EP, on the other hand, has core courses like quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, statistics, relativity, classical mechanics, waves and optics, nuclear physics, etc. There are also important math courses up to your second year.
  • EP trains you in core physics concepts and prepares you for experimental physics and electronics, giving you many options for your career path. You can work in theoretical or experimental physics, electronics, statistics and stochastics, CS-related research, or pursue higher studies in physics.
  • When choosing between IITB and IIT Roorkee, consider factors like the quality of professors, campus culture, and location. IITB has excellent professors, a beautiful campus, and great cultural and sports scenes, and is close to TIFR, which provides opportunities for collaboration.
  • When it comes to placements, most EP students go for higher studies because they are passionate about physics. For EE, core and non-core jobs are similar to those for other courses in terms of job security and salary packages.

Finally, the "brand" of IITs, especially IIT Bombay, provides a sense of job security that can be reassuring for graduates.

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