Unipune makes Constitution an Add-on Subject for UG Second Year; Details Here

Unipune: Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) has decided to introduce the Constitution as an add-on subject for all second-year students in Undergraduate courses.

Officials at SPPU have decided to include constitution as an add-on subject for the second year students carrying 2 credits and will be taught in both the Offline and Online modes. 

SPPU, Vice-Chancellor Nitin Karmalkar said that introducing the Constitution as an add-on subject will be helpful for students in understanding its importance with its history, people who framed it, what it means to be a republic, and some of the outstanding speeches and debates by maestros will surely inspire them. 

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Further, Constitution as an add-on subject will be introduced for both engineering and postgrad courses and the students will be assessed on it, he said. The HOD of Defence & Strategic Studies at SPPU, Vijay Khare said that this add-on subject will dispel the myths and mysteries about the constitution.

Following the same, Khare said that most of the students are unaware of the basic fundamental rights and duties and that's why it is important for them as Indian citizens to know about the constitution.

Therefore, the Constitution subject has been divided into topics that will be taught online as well as offline. Most of the topics will be taught online, while offline classes will be held in the college and a resource person would visit the college and teach students for a week or two, he added. 

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