Top Private Colleges Scrapped Entrance Exams, Admissions based on Class XII Marks

Private Colleges have announced slashing of Entrance Exam Procedure for Admissions and would consider 12th board results. This goes contrary to the conventional procedure of accepting Entrance Test Scores. 

Every year, Class 12th Board results are merely a factor taken into account for Engineering admissions in most of the private universities as they hold their own entrance exams. But this year, most of the premier universities have planned to consider Class 12th Board Marks for admissions.

On July 10, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) has announced that it will not conduct VITEEE 2020 for this year, rather they will be considering Class 12th marks for the upcoming admissions.

Also Check: VIT Admissions 2020

Briefing on this matter V. Rajshekhar, Head of Admission Cell, VIT said, “It will not be possible for us to conduct VITEEE 2020 considering the COVID crisis. We have decided to evaluate students based on their Class 12th and JEE Mains marks.”

Recently, J K Lakshmipat University has also announced that they will be considering board marks for the admission session 2020-2021. Apart from that the university is looking ahead to conduct online entrance examinations for this session.

Also Read: JKLU introduces online professional courses in MBA, Engineering and Design.

Prof. RL Rana, VC, JKLU said that the university has set its cut off criteria based on the applications received. For PCM branches university has set a cut of 60% whereas for others it has been set to 50%.

Lovely Professional University has also declared to conduct LPU NEST 2020 in an online proctored mode this year and has stated that scores of JEE Mains and Class 12 will also play a crucial role in the admission process for this session.

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