TNEA 2021 Counselling has started @; Check Details

TNEA 2021 counselling process has begun from today i.e September 27, 2021. TNEA 2021 counselling Round 1 will begin today for the candidates who have secured ranks between 1 to 14788. The deadline to submit the initial fee deposit for round 1 is September 30, 2021 (5 pm). 

TNEA 2021 counselling process includes fee payment, choice filling, tentative allotment, confirmation of allotment, and provisional allotment of seats. A total of 5 rounds of counselling will be conducted by the authorities. The candidates are advised to go through the following counselling schedule.

General TNEA 2021 counselling dates (Rank-wise)

Counselling Rounds Ranks Events & Dates
Round 1 1 to 14788 Initial Payment- September 27 to 30, 2021
TNEA Choice Filling- October 1 to 2, 2021
Tentative seat allotment- October 3, 2021
Confirmation of tentative allotment- October 3 to 4, 2021
Provisional TNEA 2021 seat allotment- October 5, 2021
Round 2 14789 to 45227 Initial Payment- October 1 to 4, 2021
TNEA Choice Filling- October 5 to 6, 2021
Tentative seat allotment- October 7, 2021
Confirmation of tentative allotment- October 7 to 8, 2021
Provisional TNEA 2021 seat allotment- October 9, 2021
Round 3 45228 to 86118 Initial Payment- October 5 to 8, 2021
TNEA Choice Filling- October 9 to 10, 2021
Tentative seat allotment- October 11, 2021
Confirmation of tentative allotment- October 11 to 12, 2021
Provisional TNEA 2021 seat allotment- October 12, 2021
Round 4 86119 to 136973 Initial Payment- October 9 to 12, 2021
TNEA Choice Filling- October 13 to 14, 2021
Tentative seat allotment- October 15, 2021
Confirmation of tentative allotment- October 15 to 16, 2021
Provisional TNEA 2021 seat allotment- October 17, 2021

The candidates need to pay the initial fee on the official website. After the payment is done, candidates need to fill in their choices and lock in before the deadline. Based on the counselling schedule released by the authorities, the tentative seat allotment will be done. The candidates need to confirm it before the deadline. 

TNEA 2021 is a counselling process conducted by Anna University each year for admissions into the engineering and related technology courses in the state of Tamil Nadu. The participating institutes of TNEA admit students based on the merit secured by them. No separate entrance exam is conducted for admissions. 
