Telangana State Council for Higher Education(TSCHE) issued a guideline on the official website for the conduct of Telangana University UG and PG teams from June 20, 2020 onwards.
After an intense discussion over the guidelines released by UGC with Registrars and Controllers of all universities, TSCHE came to a conclusion and released a general guideline in pdf format on their official website as an advisory to all the universities for the conduct of examinations.
The exams will be conducted only for final year students of UG and PG courses. Intermediate semester students will directly be promoted to the next semester, irrespective of their backlogs.
Important features of the guidelines issued by TSCHE:
- The question paper should be modified in such a way that the exam can be conducted in 2 hours rather than 3 hours yet covering the whole syllabus.
- As of now, exams will only be conducted for final year students in UG and PG courses of Telangana University. However, exams for students in intermediate semesters will be conducted after the complete reopening of the university.
- Irrespective of the backlogs, intermediate semester students will be promoted to the next semester.
- Exams will be conducted in two shifts daily. In one shift, B.Com exams will be conducted and in the other shit, B.A. and B.Sc exams will be conducted.
- The decision of appointing internal and external examiners for practical examinations rests with the concerned principal of the concerned college.
- Project Viva- vice and seminars of graduation and post-graduation students are to be conducted online, though Viva-voce and seminars of PhD students can be conducted physically strictly adhering to UGC Guidelines.
- Strict measures should be followed in order to prevent spread of COVID-19.
- Exams are to be conducted from June 20, 2020.
Check here Official TSCHE Notification