SPPU Exams 2021: M.Com Distance Mode Exam Postponed; Check Here For More Details

Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) has rescheduled examinations for first- and second-year M.Com students enrolled in the distant education program. The exams were set to take place from December 7 to December 10. 

The exams will now be held from December 21-24, according to the amended timetable.

SPPU students had been requesting to postpone the exam because they were on the same dates as the exams for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India's Chartered Accountancy foundation program. Exams for the CA foundation course will be placed from December 6 to December 20.

SPPU Courses 2021

Vaibhav Jadhav, Director in-charge, School of Open Learning, SPPU, said, “We have only postponed exams for the first and second-year MCom students. All other exams will be as per schedule. Students should not get confused and must refer to the website for the detailed timetable”.

SPPU Exams 2021: Important Dates

Events Dates

M.Com Distance Education Exam

December 21-24

CA Foundation Course Exam

December 6-20

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