Punjab State Government to Decide on University Exams after 30 June

The Punjab State Government will make a decision regarding the examination dates for universities or colleges after 30 June. While doing so, it will keep in mind the new guidelines released by the central government.

The Chief Minister of Punjab, Amrinder Singh, made the announcement in a Facebook Live session. He also stated that the decision regarding the examination will be made by the central government, since all the universities and colleges in Punjab are affiliated with the University Grants Commission (UGC) in one way or another, under the HRD Minister.

The Chief Minister also said that the promotion of students without holding examinations was not in the hand of the state government.

In light of this, fresh guidelines will be issued by the UGC to hold the college and university examinations from 1 July onwards.

Earlier, the UGC had issued guidelines regarding the holding of examinations and reopening of college and university classes in the state. 

The Central University of Punjab has asked the students to choose the semester examination dates of their choice for this semester. The examination will be held from 6 July onwards.

