PGIMER, Chandigarh: PhD Counselling to Begin Tomorrow; Learn Details Here

Through a recent notice, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh (PGIMER) has announced that advice sessions for PhD courses will begin in July 2020.

All candidates intending to be admitted to PhD courses at PGIMER, Chandigarh may view the details of the said notice as set out below:

Check Official Notification

Admission counselling for the July 2020 PhD course is scheduled to take place on 20.7.2020 at 11:00 AM in the Auditorium of APC PGIMER, Chandigarh.

The provisionally eligible list of candidates selected on the basis of merit and candidates with their own PhD course fellowships for the July-2020 session is attached.

The mere name of the selected list does not guarantee admission to the course.

Their admission will be subject to further verification by the Medical Board of the Institute of the original degree/certificate at the time of accession and fitness.

The Chandigarh Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) was conceived in 1960 as a center of excellence that would seek to develop the patterns of postgraduate medical education in as many branches as possible and to produce specialists in a number of medical disciplines.

It was also envisaged that these specialists would spread across the country to different medical colleges and medical institutions and provide high-quality medical education to students and establish a core of excellence in their own institutions.
The PGIMER was also given the responsibility to broaden the horizons of medical knowledge by intensive research in the field of health. For More Details Visit Official Site.
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