Over 1 Lakh Students attend GUJCET 2020 Conducted on August 24, Check Exam Day Guideline

GUJCET 2020 is scheduled to be held on August 24, 2020. Gujrat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) is going to conduct the exam in pen-paper based mode at various exam centres in Gujarat

GUJCET 2020 is scheduled to be held on August 24, 2020. Gujrat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) is going to conduct the exam in pen-paper based mode at various exam centres in Gujarat.

GUJCET 2020 Admit Card has been released on August 13, 2020, and registered candidates can download it from the official website until the exam date.

Even though GUJCET 2020 dates underwent several revisions, majority of the examinees sighed of relief as the papers were easy. It is the first exam held at such a larger scale amid the pandemic. More than 1.06 lakhs students attended the exam under strict precautionary measures by Board authorities.

There were doctors in every centre and 15 students were seated in one hall. As per State Board sources, heavy downpour across the state led to about 22,000 students missing the exams while 11,000 did not even download the hall ticket.

The exam was in MCQ format with 1 hour devoted to each subject. Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) that conducts GUJCET, registered 50,000 students for Group A and 77,000 for Group B while 500 for Group AB.

Mehul Dave, a class XII pass out from Navrangpura-based school, said, “I was a little apprehensive initially about taking the exams. But all my fears vanished once I got the question paper in my hand. It was a little difficult to sit in exams for two hours with masks on but I adapted to it.”

He said, the physics, maths and biology papers were easy as most of the questions were from a textbook, he said. The chemistry paper was difficult as few questions were twisted.

Things to Carry Along with GUJCET 2020 Admit Card. 

Candidates will have to make sure they carry all important belonging while going to the exam centre. Candidates have to carry some other required things along with GUJCET 2020 Admit Card as mentioned below 

  • Candidates must carry a Photo Identity Proof issued by the state or central government body. (Adhaar Card/ Driving license/voter card)
  • The students must carry 3-ply Mask
  • They are also suggested to carry gloves.
  • Candidates must also take Hand sanitizer with them

GUJCET 2020 Exam Day Instructions

The Exam Conducting Authority is making sure to conduct GUJCET 2020 with at-most safety and precaution amidst the COVID-19 situation, and candidates are expected to follow the below-given instruction with care.

  • Candidates must carry all the relevant documents like GUJCET 2020 Admit Card and Photo ID proof to the exam centre. 
  • The students will have to strictly follow the social distancing norms at the exam centre.
  • Candidates will have to enter the exam hall in an organised manner. 
  • Hand Sanitizer will be available at the exam centre, however, candidates can carry their own sanitizer to be on the safer side.
  • The candidates will have to wear the mask throughout the complete duration of the exam.  
  • It's advisable that parents should not gather around the exam centre.

GUJCET 2020 Result will be announced in the month of September 2020 in online mode. After the declaration of result, GSEB will conduct the counselling and seat allotment. Those candidates who will be allotted the seats through GUJCET 2020 Counselling can move forward with the Admission process.  

GUJCET is held for admissions to degree engineering and pharmacy colleges of Gujarat in government, government-aided and self aided institutes. 
