NATA 2020: First attempt scheduled tomorrow, Know exam day guidelines, Exam SOPs

Council of Architecture (CoA) will be holding the first attempt of NATA 2020 tomorrow i.e., August 29, 2020. Applicants appearing for NATA 2020 have an opportunity to appear both home based and as computer based tests at exam centers.

CoA released the NATA 2020 admit cards for the first attempt on August 25, 2020. 

This year the authorities have announced several major changes in the NATA 2020 exam pattern. Exam Pattern is revised as compared to last year along with number of questions, marking scheme, duration of exam, the introduction of new components, and updated syllabus. Read More for major changes in NATA 2020. 

Both Part A and B are to be held as an online aptitude test. For Part A- Cognitive skills for Drawing and visual composition Test, students will have to attempt 10 questions (Preferential Type/MCQ). The questions are to be completed within 72 minutes in online mode.

For Part B- Test on PCM and General Aptitude, there will be 50 questions that are to be answered within 45 minutes. 

Time Schedule for NATA Exam CBT at Test centres

Particular Timings
Report to the examination center by 11:15 AM
Opening gate to the examination hall 11:30 AM
Registration of candidate to be completed by 12:15 PM
Closing gate to the examination hall 12:30 PM
Commencement of NATA 2020 12:30 PM
Conclusion of the exam 2:30 PM

Exam day guidelines for NATA 2020 CBT at Exam centers

  • No candidate would be allowed inside the NATA 2020 Exam Center after 12:45 p.m.
  • Students must carry their admit card and a photo identity proof such as aadhar card, voter card, pan card, etc.
  • Seats would be allotted randomly to applicants that too only after a photograph and biometric has been taken.
  • No electronic gadgets would be allowed inside the exam center. These electronic devices include mobile phones, bluetooth devices, calculators, slide rules, log tables, electronic watches with facilities of calculators etc..
  • No student would be allowed to leave the examination center before the conclusion of exam. However, in case of special permission from the center-in-charge a candidate might be allowed to leave.

Time Schedule for NATA 2020 Home based proctored

Particular Timings
NATA 2020 Part B 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM
Intermission Period of 15 minutes 10:45 AM to 11:00 AM
PART A 11:00 AM to 12:12 PM

Exam day guidelines for NATA 2020 Home based proctored exam

  • Students should prefer to use the same laptop as the one used at the time of the Mock test to avoid any delay or technical issue.
  • No candidate would be allowed in the online exam after 10:15 a.m.
  • No candidate is allowed to leave before the conclusion of the exam
  • Candidates are required to provide a valid original ID Card to the exam proctor.
  • In case of system crash, students won’t be allowed to re-enter the exam after 10 minutes of delay.
  • Any malpractice during the conduct of the exam will lead to disqualification. 

Standard Operating Procedures for NATA 2020 Exam centres

  • The exam center will be carefully disinfected, including floor, walls, gates, doors, etc.
  • All candidates and staff will have to pass through thermal screening.
  • Everyone at the exam center would be required to wear masks.
  • After each session the seating area will be sprayed with disinfectant. Washrooms would also be cleaned and disinfected.
  • A self-declaration form regarding the health status will be required by all the staff personnel
  • It is mandatory for every staff and candidate to download the Arogya Setu app.
  • Students must make sure to sanitize their hands before and after signing the attendance sheet. 

The dates for the NATA 2020 Second test are also out. The exam is scheduled on September 12, 2020. Students can apply for the NATA 2020 Second test registration till September 4, 2020. 

Read Preparation Tips for NATA 2020
