Mumbai University Affiliated Colleges to Conduct 2022 Semesters Exams Offline

New Delhi: Mumbai University Exams 2022 are set to commence shortly. While students are waiting for the announcement of the mode exams, several colleges in the city are intending to take the UG exams offline, according to media sources.

While no official declaration has been made till now, the report indicates that the majority of the colleges preparing to hold Mumbai University Exams 2022 in offline mode are autonomous. 

Mumbai University Exams 2022 are set to be held in April for students in their final semester of UG programmes. The precise dates and timetable are still uncertain. However, Mumbai University is likely to declare the mode of conduct for the MU Exams within a few days.

According to sources, autonomous institutions such as Sophia College, Mithibai College, and St. Xavier's College are likely to decide to conduct offline exams.

Previously, another notification of Mumbai University Exams 2022 will be held online was made. However, it was only available for the majority of the regular courses. The official statement from Mumbai University underlined that additional exams, such as those for Professional programmes, are also scheduled to be offered online. 

Official updates about Mumbai University Exams 2022 are expected to be provided shortly. Meanwhile, students are encouraged to visit the official website for further information. Students can also keep in touch with their particular colleges for updates on MU Exams.

Mumbai University Courses & Fees

With most institutions restarting offline lectures, the Mumbai University Exams 2022 are scheduled to be held offline for UG programmes as well. The decision to undertake the offline was made in February when the COVID-19 situation had stabilised and vaccination rates had increased.

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