Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) had previously announced the reopening of the university and affiliated colleges on January 11. While the Education Ministry announced on January 9 that the decision regarding college reopening will be taken only after January 20, 2021.
Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has decided to reopen the schools from January 4, 2021, following which the Pune University issued a circular to reopen colleges from January 11, 2021.
The principals of colleges affiliated to Unipune were making arrangements for the reopening, and Uday Samant, the Minister of Higher and Technical of Maharashtra announced that the decision regarding college reopening will be taken after January 20, 2021.
Unipune has released a new circular on January 7, cancelling reopening dates of affiliated colleges, which was announced to be January 11, 2021, as per the previous circular. University Departments and colleges have been few measures for the safety and health of all the concerned to facilitate the successful reopening plans.
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor of SPPU, NS Umarani stated that the disaster management act is still applicable in Maharashtra while the university decided to reopen colleges from January 11. Hence the final decision will be taken after discussion with the Maharashtra Government.
All the SOPs issued by the state government and University Grants Commission (UGC) will be followed while reopening the colleges. SPPU has also asked the affiliated colleges to prepare their infrastructure to follow all the safety precaution norms. Postponing the reopening date will give some time for the colleges to prepare the same, stated Umarani.
The decision to reopen colleges and resume physical classes is still pending but the colleges and council members stated that they are prepared to reopen the colleges and SPPU will take a decision regarding it.
Pune University Senate members debated, heatedly, on Saturday, January 9, over delay in commencing offline classes for UG, PG and PhD students when schools have already resumed on-campus classes.
“We are ready with the infrastructure and students, teachers and colleges are ready to start with physical training. SPPU should announce the reopening date and allow the colleges to open physically,” said Shamkant Deshmukh, one of the council members of SPPU.
State Higher Education Department issued a show-cause notice to the university for an explanation on this decision without prior permission from the state government.
Mahesh Abale, another management council member stated that at least professional courses in the colleges should be given permission for practical classes and master students having specializations are also less in strength, hence they should also be granted permission to attend physical classes.
Uday Samant on January 9, 2021, stated that the decision to reopen colleges will be taken after January 20, 2021, after discussion with all the universities again. The Maharashtra Chief Minister has requested the citizens to follow the guidelines issued to restrict the spread of COVID 19.
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