LSAT India 2020: First Day of Remote Testing was a Success

The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) announced on 19 July a successful first day of the electronic, remotely pioneered LSAT — India test. The entrance exam is currently operating at the national level of law and will be held during the week.

Around 1000 students successfully completed their exams in three sessions on the first day of the LSAT India exam, and approximately 5,000 students are registered to take the test over the next seven days.

“We are pleased to be able to provide online testing so that students all across India can earn an LSAT India score to pursue their dream of legal education while protecting the health and safety of our test-takers, testing staff, and the broader community,” said Yusuf Abdul-Kareem, Vice President of LSAC.

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Most of the students were able to complete their exam successfully, according to LSAC.

Initially, some test takers were unable to log into the online testing program because they didn't have the correct identification provided by the government.

LSAC has partnered with Pearson VUE, the remote proctoring service that administers the online test, to inform students of the criteria and help them deal with their problems.

Abdul-Kareem, while recognizing that finding problems on the exam day can be stressful for students, said, "We will continue to assist.

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All students have the opportunity to receive the score they need to achieve their legal education target, and at the end of this week, we have reserved a range of opportunities to retest students who have encountered technical interruptions or issues with their IDs.

The LSAC had also published a Do's and Don'ts for the exam day in order to ensure a smooth test experience for the test takers.

Candidates who are yet to appear in the exam are advised to read essential reminders of LSAT India before they appear in the examination.

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LSAT India 2020

The LSAT India is a structured admissions examination in various law colleges and universities in India.

The test was initially a pen and paper dependent test. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, LSAC has shifted the exam from offline to remotely proctored online mode.
