Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur has released guidelines regarding Mid, Internal, End, Backlog Exams for I, II, III and IV students.
As per the new guidelines, Internal exams will be conducted for students of I, II, III year will be conducted with end exams.
However, students will be promoted to the next class giving the credit exemptions for this year on. Candidates will be awarded internal marks for this later, after the conduct of II mid exams.
Furthermore, for students of IV year also Internal examination (II Mid) will be conducted along with End exams from September onwards and internal marks will be awarded after the exams.

End Examination
The varsity has decided that the end exams for students of I, II and III will be conducted later when normalcy will be restored. While for students of IV year, end and mid sem exam will be conducted in the month of September.
However, the varsity has given students a choice to opt for nearby places near to their residence to write examinations.
Viva Voice and Backlog Subjects
Viva Voce will be conducted online with the necessary recording facility by the concerned institutions as per the norms of the University (Item 8.3 (b)).
Students of the terminal semester having backlogs will be examined as per the norms of the University from the month of September onwards. No credit exemptions for the terminal semester students.
However, students having backlogs for I, 11 & III years will be conducted when normalcy is restored.
Commencement of Classes
In accordance with the guidelines issued by AICTE, classes will be conducted from 17-8-2020 for existing students.
Moreover, as per the guidelines of UGC, the attendance of online lectures will be added to the offline attendance.
Read More: JNTUA Students will be Promoted with ‘No Credits’
Guidelines for opening of the constituent and affiliated colleges and conduct of examinations
JNTUA has also released guidelines for the conduct of examinations and classes. The guidelines by the varsity have been mentioned below:
- All buildings of colleges and hostels are to be sanitized before and after the conduct of classes and examinations.
- Students and staff members must wear masks while they are on campus.
- Social distancing should be maintained at every place
- Thermal scanning has to be carried out at the place of entry into the campus to all students and the staff.
- No meetings or gatherings of any sort are to be conducted in the colleges.
- If any student falls sick, he/she should be kept in an isolated place; proper care and appropriate first aid treatment must be rendered. The case shall be reported to appropriate authorities.
- Any provisions which are stored in the college attached hostels shall get inspected and certified by the Food Inspector before usage and starting of the messes.
- The universities should strengthen the mechanism of mentor-mentee through a dedicated portal on the university website to impact timely guidance and counselling to the students