JNAFAU Hyderabad Admission 2022 Open for BFA, B.Design; Apply through FADEE till June 20

New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University (JNAFAU) is now inviting applications for admission to its four year BFA and B.Design program through Fine Arts and Design Entrance Examination (FADEE). The last date to apply for admission is June 20, 2022. 

As per JNAFAU, candidates who are interested in applying for BFA and B.Design program admission process are required to submit their applications for Fine Arts and Design Entrance Examination-2022 in online mode on the official university website at jnafauadmissions.com.

To apply for JNAFAU Admission 2022, applicants are required to have Intermediate or equivalent qualifications from any recognized exam board. Admission will be offered to various BFA and B.Design specializations including Photography, Interior Design, Painting, etc.

Following the schedule released for admission to JNAFAU Courses, the university will conduct the entrance examination for eligible candidates from July 02 to 03, 2022. The admit card for the exam is expected to be released at least a week before the exam commencement.

Check the key highlights, dates, eligibility criteria, application process, and direct link to apply for JNAFAU Admission 2022 in this article below!

JNAFAU Admission 2022: Highlights

Admission For

BFA and B.Design Program

Offered by

Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University

Academic Session 


Program Duration 

4 Years

Application Process

Now Open

Last Date to Apply 

June 20, 2022

Eligibility Criteria 

Intermediate or Equivalent Qualifications

Selection Process

Fine Arts and Design Entrance Examination (FADEE)

Entrance Exam Dates 

July 02 to 03, 2022

Result Declaration Dates

To be announced

Admission Notice 

Click Here

Official Website 

Click Here

JNAFAU Admission 2022: How to Apply Online?

Step 1: Visit the official website of Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University (JNAFAU) at jnafauadmissions.com.

Step 2: From the homepage, click on the latest "FINE ARTS AND DESIGN ADMISSIONS – 2022" notice link available.

Step 3: Click on the "Click here to apply Online" link and fill out the application form as required. 

Step 4: Verify your application and make the payment of the application fee through online means.

Step 5: In the last step, submit your application and print the form for future references. 

In case of any queries, candidates can reach out to the student helpline number of JNAFAU at +91- 40-23319462, +91 8074700647 or send mail at admissions@jnafau.ac.in (general enquiries) and support@flyingstars.biz (technical support).

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